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•   Roger Scray  12/30
•   Tammy Skaletski (Deviley)  12/28
•   Tammy House (Umentum)  6/29
•   Rick Buss  6/28
•   Stacy McMahon (Pharis)  6/27
•   Kathy Sterk (Kedzierski)  6/27
•   Scott Ditzman  3/30
•   Lue Yang  3/24
•   Rebecca Davis (McInnis)  2/24
•   Heather Whitcomb (Gordon)  2/23
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Washington
11 live in Wisconsin
68 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 17.1%

A:   14   Joined
B:   68   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Support our site! If you would like to support this web site please click the Donate button below. Donations can be made by PayPal, or with a regular credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.

The annual cost of the site is $138.88, any donations beyond that amount will go to the Reunion Committee for any fees they encounter.  Thank you!

West High School
Class Of 1991

Welcome to the West High Class Of 1991 web site. Please tell everyone from the Class of 91' to join today. Thank you.

I am in NEED of Admin Assistants.  Anyone who is computer savvy please.  Contact me!

We are in need of the 1990/91 yearbook!  If anyone has one they are willing to donate, or if anyone can scann and send the images to my e-mail that would be FANTASTIC! 

Who is the Reunion Committee?  If you know who is in charge of planning the next reunion, please send me their contact info, or send them mine.  Thank you so much!

Green Bay West High School is a high school in Green Bay, Wisconsin, at 966 Shawano Ave. Founded in the early 1900s, it recently underwent significant renovations, adding a new west wing and completely reconfiguring the cafeteria. The principal is Luke Valitchka.

Every year, the students and staff participate in the Bob Nelson Memorial Games, a volleyball contest named after a teacher who died of a heart attack while in the staff room. In 2009 the games will be replaced with a memorial walk.

The school's mascot is a Wildcat and the school's rivalry with Green Bay East High School is one of the oldest continuous high school football rivalries in the country.

What do you remember most about West High?  Everyone has a story, please feel free to share your stories on the forum pages. 

*Please Note*

This is a public site.  The administrators of this site want anyone who was affiliated with Green Bay West High School and the class of 1991 to join.  If you attended West and your projected graduation date was 1991 please do not hesitate to join the site.  Do not feel you cannot join just because you did not graduate with the class.  Heck, I didn't and I am the one who started the site. : )  Thank you all for your support!

Tracy Hall (Walker)
