Remembering the 90's

Cost of Living 1994

How Much things cost in 1994
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 2.61%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 3834
Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 8.50%
Average Cost of new house $119,050.00
Average Income per year $37,070.00
Average Monthly Rent $533.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas $1.09
Movie Ticket $4.08
Average cost of new car $12,350.00
Loaf of Bread $1.59
Dozen Eggs 86 cents

Below are some Prices for UK guides in Pounds Stirling
Average House Price 68,032
Gallon of Petrol 2.52
Yearly Inflation Rate UK 2.4%
Interest Rates Year End Bank of England 6.13%
FTSE 100 Average 3250



What Events Happened in 1994

  • Intermittent Civil War in Rwanda between Majority Hutus and minority Tutsis after assassination of President estimates of 1/2 million people killed in civil wars
  • ANC triumphs in first Multiracial elections Nelson Mandella becomes president of South Africa
  • Channel Tunnel opened between England and France
  • Serbia continues attacks on Bosnia
  • Haiti invaded by US democracy restored
  • In France celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the Allied landings ( the start of the ending of the second world war )
  • First Genetically Engineered Tomatoes Available use of GM Foods in US approved
  • Northridge Earthquake, magnitude 6.7, hits the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles
  • German luxury car manufacturer BMW announces the purchase of Rover from British Aerospace
  • OJ Simpson flees police in his white ford bronco
  • PLO leader Yasser Arafat returns to Palestine after 27 years in exile
  • North Korea Tensions over inspections of Nuclear Plants
  • Estonian Ferry Estonia sinks in the Baltic sea off the coast of Finland over 900 dead
  • Russian President Boris Yeltsin orders tanks and troops into the rebel region of Chechnya to restore order
  • First Genetically Engineered Tomatoes Available use of GM Foods in US approved
  • The New UK Lottery Introduced with an estimated jackpot of £7m
  • Frederick West serial killer together with his wife Rosemary West, was responsible for the murder of at least twelve young women
  • Tornado outbreak occurs in Southeastern United States
  • The journal Nature reports the finding in Ethiopia of the first complete Australopithecus afarensis skull
  • Ayrton Senna of Brazil, age 34, is tragically killed during the San Marino Grand Prix in Imola, Italy
  • Jordan and Israel sign a peace treaty ending state of war that has existed between the nations since 1948.
  • The Irish Republican Army announces a "complete cessation of military operations"
  • The United Nations Peace Keeping Force Withdraws From Somalia following attacks by militia
  • The Whitewater scandal investigation begins
  • Tonya Harding wins the national Figure Skating championship title but is stripped of her title following an attack on her rival Nancy Kerrigan.
  • The North American Free Trade Agreement ( Making The Largest Trading Bloc of Countries In The World ) United States, Canada and Mexico.
  • Norwegian voters Vote No To Joining The European Union
  • A New Outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Zaire which continues in 1995 ( highest case fatality rates of any human pathogenic virus, roughly 90%. )
  • Violent wildfires destroy 286,000 acres in Montana.
  • Eurostar rail service carrying passengers between London, Paris and Brussels is launched
  • Brazil Wins 1994 World Cup in United States
  • The Winter Olympic Games are held in Lillehammer, Norway


    • Worlds First Satellite Digital Television Service Launched
    • Netscape Navigator released quickly becoming market leader for browsing the web
    • Java programming language first released from Sun Microsystems
    • Scientists in Southern England estimate the oldest Europeans at 500,000 years old
    • The Channel Tunnel, which took 15,000 workers over seven years to complete, and is 31 miles long joining France and England opens
    • The European Fighter Aircraft "Eurofighter" has makes its inaugural test flight after 10 years in development


    Popular Culture 1994

  • Lisa Marie Presley marries Michael Jackson
  • Kurt Cobain commits suicide

    Popular Films

    • Forrest Gump
    • The Lion King (Disney)
    • True Lies
    • The Santa Clause
    • The Flintstones
    • Dumb & Dumber
    • Clear and Present Danger
    • Speed
    • The Mask
    • Pulp Fiction
    • Four Weddings and a Funeral
    • Miracle on 34th Street
    • Muriels Wedding
    • Star Trek: Generations

    What do you remember ? Did you go to a Concert that year ?
    Please take the time to post your memory on this Page

    Popular Musicians

    • Bryan Adams
    • Rod Stewart
    • Sting
    • Sheryl Crow with All I Wanna Do
    • Bon Jovi
    • Erasure
    • Aerosmith
    • Janet Jackson
    • Pearl Jam
    • Phil Collins
    • Snoop Doggy Dogg
    • Alice in Chains
    • Boys II Men with On Bended Knees and I'll Make Love To You
    • Rolling Stones
    • Blind Melon
    • Celine Dion with Power of Love
    • Beastie Boys
    Now check out our newly updated 1990's music page 90's Music

    Popular Television

    • Law & Order
    • America's Funniest Home Videos
    • One Foot in the Grave (UK)
    • Rugrats
    • The Jerry Springer Show
    • The Ren & Stimpy Show
    • Absolutely Fabulous
    • Beavis and Butt-head
    • Frasier
    • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
    • NYPD Blue
    • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
    • The Late Show with David Letterman
    • The X-Files