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•   Sherica McGinty (Maxwell)  8/28
•   Clifton Stobaugh  8/14
•   Will Parsons  1/15
•   Marcus Diaz  10/16
•   Julie McNulty (Lentz)  9/3
•   Steven Velek  8/5
•   Becky Hopper (Krisell)  7/25
•   Jamie Butler  7/24
•   Kellie Garrett (McAnulty)  7/17



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

8 live in Arkansas
99 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Greenbrier High Class Of 1994 web site. There is alot of people lost so please sign up and fill out your info and if you know anyone on the missing list please click on their name and tell us where to find them. Also please forward this address to anyone in our class. Although the site isnt finished you can sign up and help out now!!!  To sign up click on classmate profiles and select your name and fill out the form thats all there is to it. If you know someone that may not have graduated with us but had to move or whatever but needs to be on the list let me know. Also let me know is we have lost anyone in our class so I can put that info in.  There is also a new link for the people in our class serving our country so if you or someone else you know of is in the military or was in the military please send me a email and let me know. Check out the message boards if you want to tell everyone something or just start a discussion. Hope you like the top music from 1994 while you surf. Check it out!!
 No one can see your information unless they are a member of our class. Hope to talk with everyone soon. Thanks, Kellie (Garrett) McAnulty



























Welcome to the Greenbrier High Class of 94 web site.


None in the next 30 days.