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07/10/09 01:55 PM #39    

Brandi Burnette (Reynolds)

I personally, have never been to the dance ranch. I think it's just a room, but at this point as long as there's room to eat and mingle than all is well. Time is running out for anything elaborate.
The Fish House, I think is a great idea though. Very neutral food...reasonable prices, etc. If anyone wants to go afterward, then everyone can make that decision that night.

07/22/09 07:06 PM #40    

Phoebe Hughs (Leslie)

Has anyone else been wondering about something family friendly? Isn't the point of a reunion to catch up on the past 10 years? For a lot of us, it's spouses, children, nieces, nephews, etc.... Just a thought.

07/29/09 03:43 PM #41    

Brandi Burnette (Reynolds)

Yes, I think many people thought of it and suggested family picnics, but it's my understanding that it has been left up to whoever wants to help plan it. But I couldn't say for sure. You might get with Lauren on that.

08/03/09 09:47 AM #42    

Lauren Loftin (Curry)

Hey guys, I'm concerned because very few people have signed up for the reunion. It seems like everyone was asking me to get something together and now that I did there hasn't been a lot of response. Please help me in getting everyone to sign up. I sent out several messages but that didn't seem to really help much. I have only had payment from one person other than myself, so please help spread the word. Thanks!

08/14/09 10:57 AM #43    

Diane Quick (White)

Honestly, I'm surprised at the prospective turn-out for our reunion. Especially considering how much spirit our class had in high school and how close the majority of our class was. However, I believe that if things had gone faster and people knew 3-4 months ago what was going to be done, that the response would've been better. I personally never had any intention of going to the reunion, but i was willing to help plan it, back when i first heard of this site, LAST YEAR, and that might've changed my mind. But i never got any kind of response after offering my help. Planning should've begun when the site was started instead of two months before the date that was set for it. Also, maybe if something would've been done that incorporated more family into the reunion, there may have been a better response. I know that was mentioned several times by several different people, but ignored. I can't believe that out of 130 people, only 4 want to show up. I believe it has more to do with the lack of planning and what was eventually thrown together without any regards to what anyone else wanted that has made everyone not want to get involved. Maybe instead of canceling, we should just try for a "better late than never" reunion, and try planning something that gets more peoples attention and set it for either later in the year or even next year, and that can be the theme.

08/14/09 11:03 AM #44    

Brandi Burnette (Reynolds)

After much consideration, I will not be attending our reunion. I hope that everyone has a great time though!

I'm disappointed in the lack of interaction and organization for this reunion. This could've been a great time, but instead it came down to a last minute gathering with no family fellowship. Granted, I do not have children, but many do and their children are very near and dear to them and they have every right to include them in this. I understand totally that people have career's and are strapped for time, but SEVERAL people offered to do whatever needed to be done to help. As far as I know, no one's help was requested and because of all this....I think that is why there is a lack of response/payment.

08/14/09 03:37 PM #45    

Heather Hoover (Wright)

I agree with Diane and Brandi. I will also not be attending due to the short notice that was given. My husband has to put in to be off at least three months before hand.

08/16/09 08:32 PM #46    

Krystal Turney (Roberts)

I have just now found this website. I live pretty far away, but will try to find a way to come. I would love to visit with all of you once again.

08/17/09 09:38 AM #47    

Brandi Burnette (Reynolds)

Elliott, you make a very valid point. I know you and I had talked about this on a few different occasions. And my issue is not with taking time off, but overall, how this was handled. But yes, I do agree with the time off situation.

08/21/09 06:16 PM #48    

Wendi Dilbeck (Casilio)

I agree on the "thrown together" part. I dont like the fact that, so far, family isnt involved, what about the people who want to attend but live out of state and have to bring their children? Also, several people offered help and werent asked. Why? If a later date is better for everyone, then why is that such a big deal? Perhaps, if it was a little more classy, a bit more organized and family friendly there would be a better response.

08/23/09 04:25 PM #49    

Katie Steele (Billings)

So this is just a thought…

Why not have a potluck style family picnic at a public park during the day? Every person/family can bring their own drinks and a dish. That way no one is out any money for a venue or catering. It sounds like people would just like to get together and visit. Does anyone local have suggestions of a public location? I don’t live in the area anymore so I am not aware of the condition the local parks are in but a place with a play ground would be nice so the kids will have something to do. That will also leave the evening open for anyone who would like to go out. I know it is only 3 weeks away but coordinating a potluck should be a lot easier and hopefully more people will want to attend.

08/24/09 10:42 AM #50    

Diane Quick (White)

Katie, i think that is a fabulous idea. I think thats the best idea i've heard of yet and i would definitely be up for something like that. We just had my daughter's second birthday at laurel park and it was wonderful. You can rent the pavilion for $25. Plus all the parks are in pretty good shape now. Beaverfork, Toad suck park. All good choices.

08/25/09 04:35 PM #51    

Lauren Loftin (Curry)

Hey guys,
I've just now had a chance to read all these recent posts and I'm a little shocked. I apologize for not doing a better job. I never, in any way, intended for this to turn out the way it has. I'm not that great at asking for help and it sounds like that offended a lot of you. I am very sorry. If anyone else would like the admin rights to this site for planning something else, I'll be happy to hand that over, there are no hard feelings. You guys have great ideas and maybe you could do a lot better with it than I have. Contact me at or 501-514-5918. Thanks!

08/26/09 03:40 AM #52    

Charley Kelly

I like the park idea with the potluck, but Id love to see more attendance for this reunion. I think pushing back the reunion a month may help. It would likely give some who want to come the chance to take off work or plan accordingly to get off and come to the reunion. I think an October date is reasonable, but pushing back into november/december will conflict with family activities and other plans many have toward the end of the year. Id like to see or have seen a more concentrated effort to locate those that have not found this website so we may have one of the bigger turn outs all the classes that graduated before and after our class graduated. Im again putting myself out there to help in any planning of a reunion that could end up being one of the most may never forget for years to come. Just my two cents, and Id love nothing more than to see a reunion come to fruition instead of never occuring as I think there will be quite a bit of lost opportunities/regret if we unfortunately have classmates that pass on between now and the 20th year class reunion.

08/26/09 10:29 AM #53    

Brandi Burnette (Reynolds)

So my way of thinking is this....

Planning a reunion, a memorable reunion, is too much for one person to take on with our careers, family, etc. I propose that we create a committee of those that would like to participate and work together to plan (I'm stealing Diane's words here) "Better Late Than Never" Reunion. For me personally, October is a very busy month and that still may not be adequate time for proper planning, reservations, etc. Everyone else might not everyone post your thoughts.

Granted next year will mark 11 years, but what if we waited to have it in the spring? Let everyone's wallets recoup from the holidays, let hunting season, etc. get out of the way and do this thing like the GHS Class of '99 that I remember would do!! :)

08/26/09 11:02 AM #54    

Diane Quick (White)

I'm totally up for that Brandi. Like i said, Better late than never. Not to mention the last three months of the year are typically pretty busy for anyone that works in an office, plus arranging around holidays. That would be hard. Something around March, April, May would probably be best. Since reunions are typically held around graduation time. We should definitely get some type of committee put together because it would make for a much better reunion and not put so much on one person. How about we get some type of button option where people that still live around here can volunteer to be on the committee, and then they can swap phone numbers and set up times to get together for planning and conversing. Only thing is that everyone on the committee will have to be able to attend the meetings and be dedicated to getting it pulled together and check this site often.

08/26/09 01:34 PM #55    

Carla Dixon (Papera)

I would like to address some things, since I have not been on this site for a while.

1. Lauren- Remembering you from high school, we know that you are a person that likes to get things done. But planning a reunion for 130(plus now) people is a hard task, maybe a better word is impossible task for one person. The date options were there, people offering help was there, a whole lot was there. I do not want you to hand over the reins of this reunion. This is your promise that you took on when you became president of our class. But as the president let us help you.

2. Better Late Then Never- Great idea! It is not carved in stone that we have to have the reunion on the exact 10 yr. This is our reunion and we can have it whenever we deside. WE ARE THE LAST CLASS OF THE MILLENNIUM! To agree with Brandi it would give us time to recoup from the holidays, and it would be out of the crazy end of the year mess that we all deal with.

3. Picnic/Potluck- Great idea too! I know that i read that some are vegaterians, some do not eat bread and some may not be allowed sugar. This is a great way to let everyone get what they want without have an outragous catering bill.

We are a great class! This is something that we can get together. Communication has to be at the fore front and we can have a great reunion.
AGAIN THIS IS JUST MY TWO CENTS...I would love to have a reunion that would be something to remember, and something that other class would envy. lol


08/27/09 12:15 AM #56    

Aleigha Smith (Marveggio )

I am just checking in due to the cancellation of our reunion and would be very disappointed if it were not rescheduled. I also think a potluck or bring your own lunch picnic is a great idea.

08/27/09 09:14 AM #57    

Wendi Dilbeck (Casilio)

I totally agree with these suggestions. Carla right on, Lauren i dont think anyone was looking at this and saying u sucked, just that so many people want to help you, and you should take them up on it. We all love u to death and thought u VERY capable of putting things in order or we wouldnt have voted u in for this job. I think the comittee thing is a great idea! Also the potluck/picnic is probably the best thing. Next spring sounds nice, better weather, finances etc. I dont mind helping in anyway possible. Again, i work for a wedding/ party planning company, in Conway, i can hook us up on anything from decorations to event centers, i pretty much have unlimited resources when it comes to all of this. Everyone ive spoken with really wants to make this happen so "better late than never". Lets do this.

08/27/09 01:40 PM #58    

Lauren Loftin (Curry)

I've added more information to the homepage regarding a reunion committee. I will also send out mass communication to the class to sign-up. Thanks!

01/13/10 01:33 PM #59    

Heather Hoover (Wright)

any new information reguarding the reunion

03/11/10 02:19 PM #60    

Diane Quick (White)

Any info on the reunion?

03/29/10 04:04 PM #61    

Brandi Burnette (Reynolds)

Question of the day on Facebook today, Diane and Heather....any news?

03/30/10 04:13 PM #62    

Laura Yandell (Hampton)

Just saw this on FB, so I thought I'd post it up on here!

GB class of 99- we are getting together June 20 at Toadsuck Park. Food will be catered and donations will be accepted or bring your own lunch. Please respond if you intend on coming so we may get a rough head count. More info will come soon. Families are welcome!!! Also pictures are needed from back in the day if you have good group pic's.

04/08/10 06:53 PM #63    

Laura Yandell (Hampton)

ATTENTION EVERYONE....I just saw this on FB and thought I'd post it.......reunion location has been changed because they couldn't reserve the other location in time

Attention Class of 99!!! Reunion set FOR REAL: June 26th @ 3:00 wolly hollow...I will post details on the group page tonight. This is reserved and paid for. We hope this accomodates you all better. It can't be changed now so be there or be square people. Look for more info to follow!

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