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•   Sylvia Stockard  9/24
•   Jim Sigmond  9/26
•   Barbara Mann (Wablington)  9/27
•   Annette Gilder (Porter)  9/29
•   Roger Ingram  9/29
•   Gerald Ward  10/13
•   Ethel Gilder (Bean)  10/15
•   Dorothy Tullos (Adams)  10/15
•   Robert Altshuler  10/16
•   Helen Freeman (Wiltcher)  10/16


•   Barbara Clark (Frey)  6/20
•   Rubye Moore (Bryant)  2/16
•   D Gorton  1/9
•   Gary Peebles (Peebles)  10/23
•   Gerald Ward  8/22
•   Robert Hunter Klein  12/21
•   Fay Prince Porter (Alexander)  11/9
•   Joe Myers  9/14
•   Cheryle Grant (Dean)  6/24
•   Sylvia Stockard  5/25
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

7 live in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
7 live in Arkansas
7 live in California
4 live in Colorado
8 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
3 live in Kentucky
5 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Massachusetts
46 live in Mississippi
1 lives in Nevada
2 live in North Carolina
3 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
3 live in Tennessee
7 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
15 location unknown
59 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 65.9%

A:   89   Joined
B:   46   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Greenville High Class Of 1960 

When you go to log in to the site, just find your name in the box that says “WHERE ARE THEY NOW” and click on your name and it will guide you through how to put in your personal data. You don’t have to put in all of your information at one time. We encourage you to keep your information current. A separate Excel data base is being maintained and can be obtained by contacting the site administrators.  
If you wish a friend or relative to view the site as a guest, let us know the name and we will grant permission and add them as a guest as long as they comply with the website protocol. This will allow them to read classmate profiles and send e-mails via our site.
If you lose your password, send a note and it will be reset. We will not know your password but we can generate a new one.
In order to exercise some control, mass mailings to classmates will only be done by the administrator and we promise not to get involved in politics or controversial topics. If you have important information that you feel all of our classmates must know, send an e-mail to the administrator. We also promise that the language and comments on the website will always be something you don’t mind letting your grandchildren read. Your e-mails can only be viewed by those with a password and if anyone feels they are being bombarded or abused with or by unnecessary e-mails, we will take appropriate action to curtail such events. Presently no such abuse has been reported.
Please report any issues with the website such as public search engines reaching you through our website or your system is not working correctly. 

 David Dickerson