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01/17/12 10:16 AM #20    


James Hale Hawkins

Hey!  Just because our next reunion is 9.9 years away doesn't mean we have to lose sight of each other 'til then!

This last reunion has rekindled old friendships and brought a lot of joy to many of us.  Keep in touch with the Class of '61....the best of the best from Greenville, Mississippi!

10/13/12 09:21 PM #21    


Jerry William Kattawar


03/25/14 10:29 AM #22    


Jerry William Kattawar




08/23/14 11:40 AM #23    


Jerry William Kattawar

Just as info.  


Memphis Music and Heritage Festival

August 30th Downtown Memphis 

26 bands. 4 stages. One indoor stage

Free festival.  Great time to visit Memphis 

Have dinner and enjoy a huge free festival


6:30 Saturday evening. 

"The Kattawar Brothers. "

Indoors air conditioned.  (Whew")


A lot if fun.  Several classmates always show up. 




09/29/14 01:05 PM #24    


Jerry William Kattawar

Just a note

In looking over the list of classmates we have lost..I just have to comment.


Most of them I have not seen since we were in school together and I still remember

them as funny and mischievous young kids .. then when I read their name on a list of people that

have passed away. The vision in my head is of that young kid. It is so extra sad to imagine those young kids gone.

.Maybe if I had known them as adults it might not be so difficult to accept losing them.. but they were just

kids...very much like children passing away...Maybe thats what they mean when they

say spend more time with your family and friends...


just a note...  JK

07/04/15 05:07 PM #25    


Dorothy Faye Bagley (Gartenberg)

Dot Bagley Gartenberg plans to attend the reunion in 2016. smiley

07/04/15 05:54 PM #26    


Betty Ann Buxbaum (Kennemer)

Hi...personally, since I live out of state and don't get back often, I love coming home to see G'ville and all the nice changes that has taken place lately. I do think it is a good suggestion for one day/night only. Looking forward to seeing our classmates.  bettyann

07/05/15 09:29 AM #27    

Eugene Michael Bogen


Hi Mary Lynn,

Thank you so very much for organizing our reunions  each one has been do much fun  I am always ready to go to our GHS reunions  the day and night in Greenville sounds nice  maybe we could rent Vince's in Leland for the night supper  the restaurant has a music area and dance floor  maybe jerry would play and then let jimmy have a solo time  who else plays in our class?  Best wishes everyone lanier let's set a date soon so we can all put on our calendars  




07/06/15 12:03 PM #28    


Jerry William Kattawar

Mary Lynn

I am available in May..but as you said May is a busy month for Weddings and graduations.. Maybe

a date later in May when most of these events are over. (will school be out

A one day planned event works.. and anyone/group that wants to spend extra time in Greenville with

family and friends certainly can stay over for additional time/events..

if someone in Greenville wanted to host an "Early bird event for early arrivals.. or a Post Reunion

event for people still around certainly could provide information to that affect..

Either way sounds like fun.I will attendsmiley



07/06/15 12:35 PM #29    

Bonnard Curlee Green, Jr.

I think May would be fine.  It would be before many weddings, etc.  I like the one day/night idea and like Jerry said, If someone wants to host a pre-get-together would be fun.



07/06/15 12:40 PM #30    

Billy Howard Ezell

I will attend and like Eugene look forward to spending time in Greenville. His idea about Vince's is a good one. Jerry's thought suggestion has merit and should be considered. If we can set the date when some other event is being held in Greenville area we might have more people interested in coming or at least think more about attending.

05/19/16 12:02 PM #31    


Joe Louis Mosley

 I don't get on this computer very often, as some of you may know. Just never got interested, so am not very proficient with it. Inez and I lead a very quite life here in central Arkansas,,,,Beebe to be exact,,,,30 miles northeast of Little Rock. Our three children and four grandsons,,, 8 to 18 ,,all live within 11 miles of us. We are retired and spend our time with the kids, grands, nature, yard, and my part-time job of the past year. Inez survived breast cancer in 1997, and was in remission for 17 years. The cancer came back in her lung last July, shortly after our 50th Anniversary. Recent scans show cancer is in total remission. She is very weak,,,,on oxygen and a walker,,,but is getting stronger. Outlook is good to regain a quality life. God has been very good to us over the years,,and Inez's recovery is the latest, greatest, blessing of all. Some personal comments,,,,,yes Lanier and Eugene,,we are still non-smokers,,,,and since we stopped smoking almost 6 years ago Inez and I have lost total of about 50 pounds. She is looking great,,I am still short and fat,,but I feel great and she is on the way back!! To Billy E. our younger days bring back good memories,,I often think about you and me and Quinby and Jimmy Love. So sad about Jimmy and don't know where Quinby is. to Billy K,,,,hope you found Beebe. I have been hiding here in plain sight for over 25 years now. Beebe claim to fame,,was once home of one of biggest used car auctions in the midsouth. We wanted to come to 55 year reunion last month in Leland,,but Inez just not strong enough. I miss seeing all of y'all, but do think of you often. We can't live in our past,,but it is great to reflect on many very fond memories. My parting comment,,,,,,I feel very honored to have been a part of our graduating class. You people,,collectively and individually,,were truly 'over the top' in terms of class, dignity, grace, humility, and achievement. You did it in so many ways,,,education, medicine, law, business, art, music. men of the cloth,,,,the list goes on!!! And you did it quietly, honestly, and with a proper sense of pride. So proud of all of you, and those who are gone, and to have been a small part of your life. we are alive and well in Beebe AR. If you are in the neighborhood, stop on by! We are in the book. Love you all. Joe & Inez Mosley

05/20/16 07:44 AM #32    

Lola Lee Eustis (Battle)



Joe, Loved reading about you and your family. So,so sorry that Inez's cancer returned. What a dreadful disease!! However, it sounds like she's on the road to recovery. I know she's in good hands with you as her nurse. Our 55th Reunion was lots of fun ....thanks to Mary Lynn. You two were missed. Have s fun summer! 😊




05/20/16 12:06 PM #33    


Jerry William Kattawar

Joe Mosley

Joe great hearing from you .. and Inez...great news that she is doing better..

Please give her my best.

you know you are the reason that I am still working got me into this

transportation business and I cant seem to get out...(Millie is glad, she likes to go to Costcos)


Thank you for being a good friend and recommending me for the job back in

1980  ( I think)..You always were a smart guy.. but I disagree with you a little

on not living in the past.. I think our past is who we are and and responsible for who we

become.and when we are gone its our legacy.  You and the other classmates are a

part of our past that I still draw from  every day..Those high school

days were the times most of us developed our people skills that remain with us today.

Dont forget us guys .(in the past)..We havent forgotten you..Friend..!! smiley






05/20/16 01:54 PM #34    

Billy Howard Ezell

Joe, good to hear from you and my prayers are with you and Inez! Often think of you and the great times we had together. If we get up your way we will give some warning before we show up at your door. You are so lucky to have your family so close. Nothing like having the opportunity to watch those grandchildren develop their own personalities. You were missed at the mini-reunion and hope we can all make it to the next gathering. Stay in touch! Email- and cell- 337-842-6502.

God Bless


05/24/16 02:30 PM #35    


Joe Louis Mosley

Jerry Kattawar    very much appreciate your response to my note. I don't think we disagreed on our thoughts about our past,,,,,I think you just expounded very eloquently and accurately on what I had said. Our reflections on our past serve as our lessons in life,,,,we learn from both the successes and the failures. All you said was very true.  And, yes I did recommend you for a job,,,but it was back in mid 70's when you left little line( shippers express or something like that) and moved to Spector/Red Ball. I think that is close to what happened. Then in 80 you left them and opened CF terminal. I left Gordons in 81 and opened Yellow. So much for that,,,,except to add that my respect for you extends to many areas,,,so yeah , I recommend you!! I recall something about an 89th key thyat you spoke of during your short entertainment session in 2011,,,,I think that referred to Millie,,but could be someone's Utopia in other respects. Looks like bunch of folks from our class found that 89th key in other ways. Inez and I really wanted to come in April,,,we miss seeing everybody. We don't get around much, but we do value the friendship that we feel is still very strong. You say you are still working,,,,I sincerely hope that you are still making some music! That talent of yours is too great to not be shared with others. Hope to see y'all soon! Joe & Inez

05/25/16 09:13 AM #36    

Eugenia Lanier Sykes (Bogen)

Good morning Joe, 

Just figured out which button to push to respond to you. Please tell Inez that we are so glad she is on the way to recovery. I am proud of both of you for still not smoking. That is quite an accomplishment. What a blessing you have living near all of your children. I bet you are both wondeful grandparents. Eugene cooked and served at the church's soup kitchen yesterday. Today we go to hear a speaker at the church at noon. I am putting three oils in an ar show in June. I love to pant animals especially roosters. What is your email so I can send you a picture of my rooster. My email is Love to you and Inez. Lanier 

05/30/16 06:32 PM #37    


Joe Louis Mosley

Lola and Charlie      thanks for message and kind words. Even though we don't communicate very much, family and good people and communication with them means a great deal to us. You are so right about Mary Lynn,,,,she has been doing a great job for 55+ years now. Back atcha on fun summer for you and yours! Joe and Inez

05/30/16 06:38 PM #38    


Joe Louis Mosley

Billy Ezell      Thanks for you very thoughtful response. If ever up this way,,a short notice will do,,,,,we stay pretty close. Having family close is great. Our salvation is first along with a Gracious God that grants it,,,,family is next. We will stay in touch. Email,,,,,,,,,home fone is 501-882-2479. Later ,,,,Joe & Inez

05/30/16 06:53 PM #39    


Joe Louis Mosley

Lanier & Eugene      Thanks for note,,,Good wishes from good people are like a booster shot,,,,,The Day Gets Better !! I have to confess,,,,it's been 5 years,,not 6,,,on August first for no smoking. That's since a forceful voice from a beautiful lady told me "Joe, you need to stop smoking" ,,,,,no qualifications,,,just a fact. It made me stop and think rationally about it. Our family is so very important to both Inez and me. They fill up our life. No surprise to me at all about Eugene cooking at the soup kitchen. You caught a good one there! Inez and I admire both of you greatly. Our email is,,,,,,,,home fone ,,501-882-2479. Send me the pic!! Love you guys. Joe and Inez

03/20/17 03:08 PM #40    


Jerry William Kattawar

Happy Birthday to all March Kids.....


smiley  Jerry K

03/18/19 04:16 PM #41    


Jerry William Kattawar

Happy birthday to all the March kids...same month as me.. of course most of you were several

years older then me.  Most of you March babies don't realize that I was/am several years

younger than you all...I lied about my age to get in school early.. I heard it was fun.!!!!!!!



05/07/21 11:07 AM #42    


James Hale Hawkins

Happy Birthday to Kitty Solomon Kossman!

05/07/21 11:10 AM #43    


James Hale Hawkins

...and all other May babies!

05/11/21 09:44 AM #44    


Carla Roberts (Vowell)

Seeing the class photos from Greenville elementary schools that other classmates have submitted or posted or sent out has made me wonder if class photos were available from Ella Darling Elementary School in the 1950s.  I attended Ella Darling in the following school years: 1951-1952 (3rd grade; teacher, Miss Marjorie McMath); 1952-1953 (4th grade; teacher, Miss America Adams); 1953-1954 (5th grade; teacher, Miss Sue Petty).  I don't remember ever knowing anything about class photos from those years.  If they were available, my parents probably didn't have spare money to buy them.  I do have my individual school pictures from those years.  If anyone has Ella Darling class photos from the above school years and teachers, I would appreciate having photo-quality copies.  I can pay for copying and postage, or I can receive by email to  Thanks.

Carla Rae (Roberts) Vowell

Update Oct. 2022:  Email is now

I still would like to have copies of Ella Darling class photos as described above.

Update June 4, 2024: Does anyone have Ella Darling class photos as described above?  Email is still

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