Elementary PHOTOS

From various classmates who have searched through their shoeboxes of photos,
come some of the following elementary school photos. If you can fill in any of the
name blanks or want to add your photos,

contact Roz (Rosalind (Bible) Messina Messing)     rozjim@aol.com     
Subject line of email:  GHS photo info  please!

Would love to have more to add to this section. We attended Carrie Stern,
Susie Trigg, Ella Darling, Em Boyd
& probably a few more names I cannot recall.
Search your photo albums and shoeboxes and send them to me as

digital photo attachments in an email to the email address above. 
Don't forget to name the people you can



Were we really called Greenville Jr. High???

 Top: Sol Putzel, George Wilkinson, _______

Next row: Johnny Fuquay, ________, Smith boy???


 Steve Poole, ________, _________?? (not Ron)

________? Mary Ann Seid '65,_________?


Sept. 2009: Thanks to an email from Edna Shurden Langley, we know the first person in this group is her husband, George Langley.  

boy on right looks familiar. He may be Rudon Laney according

to Raynelle.... Note it now says EE Bass Jr. High..


Here are some photos from first or second grade at Susie Trigg &
at Carrie Stern. Can you name any others I can't remember?

Paul Henderson on left front, Elisabeth Owens holding
her mom's hand
on far right side of newspaper clipping.         *****************************

Someone remembered the Walter? above is Walter Fuquay.


 Above I wrote Norma Lee and it was Noma Lee.  sorry....it is in the photo itself. ********



.. Elinor says:
First row: Mike Kattawar on the very end.

2nd Row: Elinor the 4th photo, Charles Oswalt, Carol Lunceford,
Jimmy Etheridge.

3rd Row: Mike Wong 2nd pic, Roger Williams 4th pic.
(Roger didn't graduate with us but went into the military

4th Row: Sammy Bramlett 3rd pic, Mary Lashley next,
Ed or Larry Metcalf

Last Row: Thomas Gilder, Betsy Buchanan, Freddy Peets.  


