25 Reunion 2009


25 Year Reunion 2009
   Here are a few photos that I took with my camera until I ran out of memory on my card!  Send me more!


Suzie Wallace Stovall did a beautiful job decorating the facility...Thank you Suzie!


 The GHS CLass of 1984!


Mike France and wife



John Lentz - 2 awards- Newly Wed and Youngest Child

Theresa Hammer - Award for Changed the Least

Gaylon "GR Stud" Robbins


Tara Lanier Allman with husband Jon


The winner for Married the Longest goes to Andrea.  She and her husband Roger have been married for 25 years...they were married the day after we graduated!


Tim Delp  - winner of Award for Oldest Child


Suzie, Jennifer, Pam, Lynnette and Paul Phillips


 Traci and Richard Staton

Paul Mitchell, Jerry Mathis and Scott Sweeten

Lori Hooten and Debbie Cagle with husband

Tara, Kris, David Moose and Devin Cochran

Paula Moss with husband


Stan Robison


         Loretta with husband Stephen

Scott Sweeten (on right) with his cousin Kelly Sweeten (Van Buren Class of '83 - married to Jennifer)


Juanita and Renee


Jennifer - (Someone get this woman a facelift ! Or at least a bottle of sunscreen.)


Jeff Bell, nominated for Least Changed


Pam Ezell Crowder

Jeff Bell and Rick Stinebaugh

Lori Hooten and Suzie Wallace Stovall - both on Reunion Committee - great job!



Stan Robison , winner of "Most Kids Award" with 6-1/2  kids!  Pray for him!



Traci Harris Hampton

Kris Riedel, Judy Smoot, Sean Wallace and Emily Wangler (white shirt).



Charla Townsend Atkins and husband Jimmy

Sean Wallace


Dean Miner and Charles Evans (Mike Hampton in background - GHS Class of '82)

Just getting started - watching a video montage created by Debbie Mullen


  Meet and greet


Jerry Mathis and Kevin Barley


Memorabilia table ....a walk down Memory Lane

Very Bulldog-ish


Paul Mitchell and wife Trudy


Inspiring speaker #2 Sean Wallace all the way from NY !


Lynnette and Sherman Black (GHS Class of '82)



Emily and Renee Phelan

Lynnette and Justin Horne with wife

Pam Webb and Bill Dake

Randy Woodward

Lori Howard with husband

Steve Clayton in foreground, Suzie, Richard, Charles and Paul Phillips in background standing as nominees for "Married the Longest to the same person".


Justin Horne and wife


Andrea and Kris


Lori Hooten


Sue Broene with husband


Kathy Miller with husband

Theresa and Julie


Judy Smoot with husband


Devin Cochran and Charles Evans

Lori, Theresa, Traci, Pam Webb, Judy and Kathy

Kevin Barley and his wife.

Pam Webb



Lori Howard, Julie, Paula Moss


Lynnette, Pam Ezell, Jennifer, Tara


Lynnette, Pam and Jennifer

Just in from London, David Moose won the award for "Traveled the Farthest" with Lisa Holland


Traci ,  Scott Sweeten, Lisa Holland and Rick

Devin with wife Ashley

Charla and Pam Ezell at registration table

Inspiring speaker #1  Loretta

Jennifer, Paul Mitchell, David Moose, Randy Woodward, Stan Robison

Debbie Cagle, Lori Howard, Paula Moss

John Lentz and Pam Webb

Mike France, Steve Clayton (Touchet) and Justin Horne

Dean  Miner and Paul Mitchell


Left to right standing: Andrea, Loretta, Julie, Paula, Kris Kristin,Lori Hooten, Pam Webb, Debbie Cagel,Traci, Kathy, Pam Ezell,Suzie,Lori Howard,Juanita, Judy,Jennifer,Charla,Emily

Kneeling: Lisa, Lynnette, Tara, Theresa, Renee


Left to Right - Richard Staton, Jerry Mathis, Paul Mitchell, Scott Sweeten (behind Paul), Randy Woodward, David Moose (white shirt in back), Justin Horne, Gaylon Robbins, Sean Wallace, Charles Evans, Paul Phillips, Dean Miner, Mike France, Tim Delp, Devin Cochran, Stan Robison, Rick Stinebaugh, Bill Dake, John Lentz, Jeff Bell and Kevin Barley.