Cindy Brush

Profile Updated: March 23, 2009
Residing In: DURANGO, CO USA
Spouse/Partner: Ron Fadell
Occupation: play therapist/social worker
Children: Stacey Core
Born 1976 in Bowling Green Ohio
Lives in Durango, Co.
Owns her own home and More…is a
Manager at Natural foods store in Durango. Has a partner of 10 years.
Good Kid!
Military Service: none
Yes! Attending Reunion

It seems unreal we have been grown ups for 40 years! I don't like talking on and on about myself but for this purpose I will do it for anyone who has an interest. I will also enjoy reading yours. It seems that when I left Hamilton, I really never came back much or for long and have completely lost touch!

But I have been very busy and having a really nice life! Looking back on my life in decades would look like this:

During my 20's and after graduating from Taft, I was not ready for college so I tried out different professions like Registered Vet Tech and Bartender and secretary. And I got a D in typing! I lived and worked in Hamilton, Hanau and Frankfort Germany, Bowling Green, Ky., Grand Rapids, Ohio, Cullowhee, North Carolina during these years.

I married in 1972 and met Ron Core at Miami where he attended college. And so young to marry! Ron was/is a good man and when he got drafted we got married. He lucked out and was sent to Germany. I followed and we lived off the base for two years. It was really fun being young and honeymooning in Europe and so my war experience was pretty easy compared to other classmates of the Viet Nam era I would imagine. Then upon husband's discharge we came home and landed in Bowling Green, Ohio due to the GI bill. I became a bartender in mini skirt while Ron finished his degree. We had Stacey in 1976 and moved to Western North Carolina University where Ron worked for the University. I got free tuition and started college.

The decade of the 1980's and my 30's was a time to rebel and have mid-life upsets. I got divorced and started moving around looking for whatever we look for. My selfish and immature phase for sure. Thankfully it all ended up fine and I learned a lot about who I am. I lived in Colorado, Utah, Nebraska, and finally ended up in New Mexico. Also spent time in the Baja of Mexico fishing and being a beach bum and college drop out. When it was time to grow up again, I tried Beauty School in Nebraska where I was living. I opened a salon in a tiny town of farmers and ranchers and I cut many a Mullet and rolled many a purple haired granny's do! I found this to be a great part of the country and got to live on a large cattle ranch in real little prairie style. I loved the hunting, fishing, riding, calving, and sense of family and community there. Eventually, it was time to move on as the urge to finish the degree and make more money hit again. Still looking I guess. I attended University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Finally,in 1988 I earned a BS in Social Work. I tutored Football players and athletes and cut hair in my kitchen to make ends meet. Football was awesome there in "my day!"

So, with a degree in hand I was able to head back to the four corners area again (Co/Utah/Ariz/New Mexico). As a new Social Worker, I found employment with the Bureau of Indian Affairs as a school counselor at a Navajo Boarding School in remote New Mexico. It felt very third world and was way out there in Chaco Canyon Land. Everyone lived in government housing and on week-ends would travel two hours to Albuquerque or 3 hours to Durango for R&R and supplies. I decided Durango was where "it" was at and that leads to 1990's - present.

1990 - By now I had had enough of the Governmental Rez experience. Found job in Durango, Co. working for the County Department of Human Services. Started as a Child Protection Worker and was able to complete Masters Degree so I could become a therapist for them. It has been 19 years and I still work for them. I am blessed with healthy and amazing team. Great agency leadership has allowed me to complete many professional goals. This is sounding very adult or settled down??

I have worked hard to get all the needed hours and coursework so I can specialize as a Play Therapist. It really helps kids. They use the toys rather than words to process difficult experiences. My clients are abused and neglected children and kids who are waiting to be adopted. I also supervise other play therapists who are working to get their credentials in the field.

I am re-married to a wonderful man who I met here 19 years ago. He must have been what I was looking for... He is a machinist and works for a local high pressure water jet company that is successful. The tools he builds go all over the world. I also know how lucky and blessed we are to live where we do and we work hard to be able to stay here. Due to ski and tourist trade it is high cost of living. We love it and have fun here. Our past times include boating on Lake Powell, hiking and camping all summer and fall. We also love climbing many of the local peaks here in our San Juan Mountains. I love to backpack and started about 20 years ago. Since we live at the edge of some fine backcountry, I go frequently. This summer will be the third Colorado Trail trip of 10 days with girlfreinds. Hoping to finish all 469 miles in segments by the time I retire. The dates for this year's pre-planned trip is during the 40th reunion!!! Sorry and real torn.

I have gotten pretty good at photography due to the scenery here. In the winter my husband and I snoe shoe and we enjoy exploring the red rock canyon country in SE Utah which is 2 to 3 hours away. We four wheel too. I just finished a 3 day Spring backpack trip in the Grand Gulch of Utah.

I must say that I am content and happy and have both parents still alive at 88 years of age. They retired to Tenn. near Nashville. I also have all three brothers healthy and in contact on regular basis. So that is life since 1969. I will enjoy reading about you all!

School Story:

I remember in our senior year near the end of the year someone suggesting a "shorts day." Well it must have caught on as some came dressed in protest of WHAT? Maybe we were just hot! And we wore panty hose and panty girdles in those days too. Well the adminstrators were not impressed with our protest and we got sent home. I think I ditched and did not come back. Anyone remember what we were protesting?