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•   Julie Lund (Workman)  8/17
•   Wendi Soltysik (Glencoe)  11/6
•   Chris Harvell  3/20
•   Kile Kraft  3/16
•   Lori Green (Medalis)  5/13
•   Kathy Blasingim (Schnebly)  4/21
•   Benjamin Serena  3/10
•   Troy Morrical  1/29
•   Kim Vimpeny (Goedelmann)  12/22
•   Julie Siedentop (Schoolman)  12/21
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arkansas
4 live in California
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
82 live in Illinois
3 live in Indiana
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
2 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
2 live in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Czech Republic
44 location unknown


•   Kelly Metzka  10/10
•   Brian Lockwood  10/11
•   Daryl O'Connor  10/18


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Herscher High School
Class Of 1989

Welcome to the Herscher High Class Of 1989 web site.  Keep your information updated for future reunions.

***Thanks to everyone who helped make the 20th Reunion such a HUGE success***

8/1/09 ~ Recap

 ~ Awards ~ 

Furthest Traveled:  Kim (Vimpeny) Goedelmann (WA)

**Close 2nd** Kim (Rattin) Parke (CA)

Most Changed:  Shawn Ruder (AMAZING!)

Longest Married:  Jill (O'Connor) & Randy Demonbreun (19 yrs.)

**Close 2nd**  Mary (Allen) & Skip Peeken (19 yrs.)

Most Children:  Cindy (Jennings) Denault (6)

**Heather (Carroll) Hoekstra (7) ~ did not attend

~ Special THANKS ~

Jamie Denault: provided "crapper" for the picnic

Misha (Harris) Moore:  provided tent for picnic

Dale Tobey:  organized the food for the reunion

Denise (Bode) & Guy Huston:  provided their amazing home & all of their hard work for the picnic

Dustin Honn (& Scott Kukuck):  provided their amazing musical talents

Reunion committee:  for all of the hard work on locating, calling, mailing & e-mailing classmates, booklets, decorations, nametags, memorabilia table, etc.

Also, a very special thanks to the classmates who went above & beyond with anonymous cash donations. They were all VERY MUCH appreciated!  We ended up with $204.00 (from split the pot) that was used to open a bank account for the next reunion.

25 years?

30 years?

I had a lot of requests for another reunion at 25 years but would love to hear from more of you!  Feel free to post reunion thoughts on the website in the "message forum" or send me an e-mail!  Don't forget about the poll at the top left of the home page.

The 20th Reunion Committee~
Christine (Jones) Allen
Cassie (Weaver) Haase
Amy (Henderson) Kukuck
Michelle (Bland) Williams
Amy (Dion) Parker
Julie (Siedentop) Schoolman
 Denise (Bode) Huston

