Misc. school pics

Do you have any pictures from our times together that you would like to share...well there is the place! Any picture is welcome, but please remember to "play nice"!!!! Black and White, Color, Elementary, Middle (our very awkward years) and High School....all are encouraged!  Please email your photos to me at luvisaneo@yahoo.com and I'll get them placed asap.  Please feel free to caption them too! 

AHHH, Floats......

Displaying the end product, Virginia Smith and Kari Robinson. Thanks, James Eitniear, for the photo!

Shari Johnson found this in her father's scattered photo collection. We're missing just a few names--ideas?

row 1: Mrs. Merwin, ?, Mike Mayo, Penny Rose, Pete Theetge, Lori Pletcher, John Osterman, Denise Annis

row 2: ?, Gaye Christenson, Ron Stever, Eileen Spaulding, Eduardo Vallejo, Carol Anderson, Scott Ackley, Barbara Gustine

row 3: Shari Johnson, Daniel Peters, Mona Whelpley, Aaron Gordon, Joni Smith, Brian Mack, Karen Simmons, Steve Irons

row 4: ?, Megan Webster, Judy Price, Lori Hanes.

If any of you find class photos similar to this, contact Shari and we'll put them up here also! (shari_konkel@frontier.com)  

Top 10 of 1980 


 Standing: Scott Lipka, Ty Anderson, Dean Patrick, Mark Tozer, Larry Norris

Seated: Barb Gustine, Michelle Talbott, Shari Johnson, Donna Witteveen, Kim Yates 



Left Column Back to front : Laurie Fearnow ('80), Barb Osterman ('81), Mary Seng ('81) missing

Middle: Vonnie Eitniear ('81)

Right Back to front: Shawna Hafenbrack ('81), Joni Smith ('80), Lori Hanes ('80)













Basketball Cheer '79-80 Season