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•   Morgan Osborne (Osborne)  2/22
•   Brian Adkins  2/25
•   Jeffery Grose  1/20
•   Mindy Carte  10/3
•   April Billups (Grimmett)  8/20
•   Jonathan Dahmer  1/20
•   Tishie Legg (Ratliff)  4/21
•   Stephanie Massey (Carroll)  2/2
•   Chad Lesher  1/26
•   Steven Skaggs  1/11
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in North Carolina
2 live in Ohio
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in Virginia
29 live in West Virginia
1 lives in Prince Edward Island
54 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Midland Trail High Class Of 1998 web site. Hello everyone! We are in the process of planning our 10 year high school reunion. It will be on September 6, 2008, and will include a family field day to be held at the Midland Trail High School football field, as well as an adult dinner and dance at Holiday Inn, Oak Hill. Please contact Holiday Inn if you are interested in booking a room for the weekend. Also, it would be great if everyone could update their profiles!

We already owe for various items regarding the reunion, so if you know that you are coming, please go ahead and pay for your tickets through pay pal by clicking on "Pay for ticket" located at the left of the screen.

Here is a message from our class president, Brandi Hatcher McCune.........

It is great to see you are doing well...We are setting a deadline for everyone to sign up and pay for their ticket for the reunion...The deadline is July 31st. The reason for this is no one has signed up yet and we have to make sure we have enough participation prior to paying more deposits and paying for insurance. Please help us spread the word...Send an email or give a call to anyone from our class that you keep in touch with. There are several people that we could not locate so we are counting on others to help spread the word. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!!! Remember you can pay through the website by clicking pay for ticket or you can mail in a check to Class of 98 c/o Brandi McCune 3282 Sunday Rd. Hico WV 25854 or to Amber at her address on the letter that was mailed. Make checks payable to Class of 98... Hope to hear from you soon! Deadline July 31st