In Memory

John Bertram

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09/07/12 01:18 AM #1    

Robert McClory

I remember going to IC with John, and I learned a good lesson from him. In Grade 8, Sister Alphonsa Marie was not big on bangs. He refused to buckle to her demands, insults and directives to trim them. One day, she sent him to the bathroom to have some boys armed with scissors and a ruler cut his golden locks with or without his consent  so they'd not be within 1 inch of his eyebrows.

I remember coming in when his mom arrived to confront Sister AM after that to stand up for John's rights to express himself. I'd never seen ANYONE confront her. I was so impressed with John's willingness to assert himself, his rights and his identity, and thought it so cool that he had parents that defended his personal rights and support his decisions to express himself in ways that didn't hurt anyone.

He set a good example by standing up for his rights and beliefs in the face of a towering, forceful woman who encapsulated IC's 8 grades of health sex education curriculum in a short exit speech for graduating eighth grade boys. She told us all, "Boys, keep your hands to yourself, and you'll be alright!" I wish she had practiced what she preached, but glad that John showed us that it's alright to be yourself, feel OK with that and stand up for your beliefs.


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