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Hollywood Hills High School
Class Of 1985

We are cancelling the reunion.

If you paid on line, your credit card should be credited, as I refunded all of the payments today.   Any checks sent to me will be destroyed, as they have not been depostied.  If you would like them sent back to you, I can do that as well.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause out of town alum.

The reason I am cancelling is that I am personally on the line with the hotel for a lot of money.  I am personally going to be out $3,500, which I was lucky to work a deal with the hotel.  This is much less than what I would have to pay had we had the reunion.

I understand that this was my own decision to take on the reunion.  Many of our class said they would be attending and then when it came down to ‘decision’ time either had family commitments or with the economy the way it is just couldn’t commit. 

Some people (after the fact) said that we should have made it one night.  Although, many (during the planning) had said they wanted the three day: Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday picnic.  When it came down to it, we just didn’t have enough people for either of the nights.

I will not be planning any alternate plans for the weekend.  Obviously, I’m not the one to be doing this! 

No hard feelings, it is what it is.  I just feel bad that I couldn’t pull it together.  However, I do appreciate the efforts of our committee. 

Now… I am officially passing the torch to whoever would like to plan the 30th, 31st, or whatever you choose.

Thank you,

