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•   Joseph (Joey) Aaron  8/22
•   Rick Renshaw  2/17
•   Dale Daugherty  12/23
•   Meredith Watkins  9/19
•   John Spraggins  9/7
•   Willie Jewell Witherspoon (Batson)  4/13
•   Tom Norvell (Norvell)  4/11
•   Linda Leigh Wray  2/29
•   Peggy King (Bobbitt)  1/12
•   Ron Lewis  12/8
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•   Phala Lea (Roberts)  9/19
•   Phil Watkins  9/19
•   Willie Jewell Witherspoon (Batson)  9/25
•   John Spraggins  9/28
•   Susan Turner (Jackson)  9/28
•   Wayne Arterbury  9/29
•   Linda Leigh Wray  10/14
•   James Laudermilk (Laudermilk)  10/16
•   Thomas Williams  10/17
•   Ron Lewis  10/18


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 41.3%

A:   69   Joined
B:   98   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Our 54th reunion was a huge success!   Many are wanting to "do it again in April of 2025.  Same simple plan.  More to come later.  Also pictures will be posted as we get from photographer.   We truly missed those who could not be with us. 

A Norvell Note   
April 8, 2024, Vol. 28 No. 14

NOTE: The Hope High School Class of 1970 (Hope, Arkansas) celebrated our 54th class reunion this weekend. This is the prayer I shared.
A Prayer for the Class of 1970
Father, thank You for allowing us to gather here today to share memories of our time from 54 years ago and catch up on things that have happened to and with us since the last time we gathered. Thank You to everyone who planned and organized this time together this afternoon.
Fifty-four years is a long time, Father, but in many ways, seeing these faces, hearing these voices, and sharing these memories reminds me of how fortunate we are to have been part of the Hope High School class of 1970. Our last year together was a challenging year in many ways. There were moments of grand celebrations that many will never experience and times filled with challenges and stress that most hope they never experience again. 
And yet, as we look back, it is not difficult to see that our senior year at Hope High School helped prepare us for the life ahead—a life filled with great victories and devastating losses, exciting hopes and dreams, heartbreaking disappointments, and dreams that have never come true. 
Our time at Hope High School gave us an understanding of true friendship, friendships that last a lifetime, and a sense of genuine love. It helped us learn and appreciate the value of human life—our time together taught us never to take people for granted, which hopefully has traveled and will travel with us through the rest of our lives. 
Father, we thank you for those who are here, those who could not be here today, and those who are no longer with us but will always remain with us in our hearts because of their impact on our lives. 
Thank You to the administrators, teachers, coaches, and families beyond our own who did their best to guide us and prepare us for the challenges we have faced and will continue to face as we strive to make the world a better place.
Father, thank you for letting us be part of the class of 1970. May we continue to have love in our relationships, joy in the memories, peace in the present moments, healing of our hurts, and rest for our souls.
A Norvell Note © Copyright 2024 Tom Norvell All Rights Reserved





Just posted this. 

*****These are the only OFFICIAL  reunion t shirts being made …T shirts for HHS class  of 1970 with eclipse theme will be avail on a first come first serve basis at reunion for $20 up to size xxl then $23  after that orders will be taken.   If you would like to reserve in advance, please give your name and size and bring check or correct amount of cash to reunion.   Please help spread the word.    IF you do not have the fb page, DO NOT respond here to reserve, you will need to Text Denise with you name and size at 870-703-6933.  Wait for a confirmation that I received it or call/ text again 






3-17-24. New Post!!! Reunion information  


As a reminder,   Lots of eclipse activities  the same weekend as reunion    Traffic could be very tough as the afternoon  goes on    Some streets will be closed.   There are still some big parking lots available One is behind tailgaters on S Walnut nearly to the railroad  track and there is one also on S Elm nearly to tracks as well.   Division St runs in front of Depot , so easy to walk to Tailgaters which is across from depot from either parking  lot. 

We are getting excited about the reunion on Saturday, April 6 at Tailgaters on Main Street.  They have a great menu and food is Dutch treat.   

The reunion is from 1-5p. We will take a group picture promptly at 2pm.  After picture we are going to start giving door prizes.  There will be drawings at 2pm, with another at 3pm, and the last one at 4pm.  You DO have to be present to win.   We look forward to lots of fun and visiting.   Hopefully we’ll get some candid pictures as well to upload to our fb page!   

Also a reminder that the HAMPTON INN in Hope is giving us a special rate if you need a hotel room.  You must call the hotel direct on their Hope line and tell them that you are going to be attending the Class of ‘70 reunion to get the rate.     

*Classmates regarding hotel bookings for Saturday night April 6, 2024, (and/or Friday night April 5)*****I have talked with Mr Luker this morning from the Hampton Inn in Hope. He has given our class a nightly rate of $139 per night that can be used on Friday and/or Saturday nights.  They have NO availability for Sunday night, however at this time they do have about 40 rooms available as of today.  To receive this rate, you MUST call the Hampton Inn DIRECT at 870-777-4567.  Also to get this rate you MUST tell them you are with the Class of 1970 for the reunion.   Hotel guests will have use of the lobby to visit as well as there won’t be a problem with some locals also continuing to visit.  If you have already made reservations directly, you can call and tell them and they can adjust your rate,   If you booked through a 3rd party , you will have to cancel those reservations with that vendor and rebook directly.     Please let me know if you have any issues and also I would personally like to know how many out of towners are staying here as well.    I was very pleased that he was able to give us such a great rate.   So all you out of towners I hope this helps you be able to attend at a reasonable price.  

This is very casual and we are looking forward to to seeing everyone!












**ATTENTION ALL 1970 Classmates regarding hotel bookings for Saturday night April 6, 2024, (and/or Friday night April 5)*****I have talked with Mr Luker this morning from the Hampton Inn in Hope. He has given our class a nightly rate of $139 per night that can be used on Friday and/or Saturday nights.  They have NO availability for Sunday night, however at this time they do have about 40 rooms available as of today.  To receive this rate, you MUST call the Hampton Inn DIRECT at 870-777-4567.  Also to get this rate you MUST tell them you are with the Class of 1970 for the reunion.   Hotel guests will have use of the lobby to visit as well as there won’t be a problem with some locals also continuing to visit.  If you have already made reservations directly, you can call and tell them and they can adjust your rate,   If you booked through a 3rd party , you will have to cancel those reservations with that vendor and rebook directly.     Please let me know if you have any issues and also I would personally like to know how many out of towners are staying here as well.    I was very pleased that he was able to give us such a great rate.   So all you out of towners I hope this helps you be able to attend at a reasonable price.  Also, leaving a message at our class email is the quickest way to get our attention, so feel free to contact us.      This is really coming together with a good response.  We are Looking forward to seeing everyone!




It is finally happening. HHS class of 1970 will hold a simple class reunion on April 6, 2024.  This will be our 54th reunion.  We will have a gathering to visit, catch up, and take pictures at Tailgaters in downtown Hope from 1pm-5pm.   Spouses are certainly welcome.   They have a great variety of food on their menu and it will be Dutch treat if and when you’d like to eat. Venue dates were tight and other dates we tried to work around were not available.  I am trying to work on a group rate for anyone that needs a hotel room at the Hampton Inn. More information will be forthcoming on this.   Please respond if you are planning on coming and how many to get a headcount as soon as you can make the decision.   Dress will be very casual. Pass the word to any classmates who are not on Facebook.   We’re excited about seeing everyone.   please update your profile on class creator so we will be updated on everyone!   Also include pictures   We love to see those   

Mark your calendar!    Denise 



Hello all!   Hope everyone is doing we move into fall , the thoughts of a class reunion are being brought up again.   We've posted on the class Facebook page, for how many would be interested and are getting an overwhelmingly YES!   For those of you who do not have fb, please leave a message here with your email or better yet email us at our class email address.    We will begin checking it in the next few days.   We're so anxious to get this "very simple" reunion planning going!  Several have mentioned mid April, but were wanting to accommodate as many as possible.   We know everyone has lots of activities that month, just trying to get ahead of hot weather again   

           Looking forward to hearing from you soon, 

                             Denise and other reunion hopefuls ❤️




Well,   Is it time yet?   Let’s hear some input...Jane and I have been talking about our missed 50th reunions and want to hear everyone’s thoughts.    How is everyone?   Getting vaccines or no?   Think we need to start planning the 51st reunion yet?   Let’s get some buzz going.    

Denise and Jane







Welcome to the

Hope High School

Class Of 1970

web site.

update 5-22-20

Well classmates...our original date has come and gone and not really sure what the next even 6 months holds for us.  Arkansas is one of the 5 states listed this morning on GMA as “having rising cases”.  The big reunion is still on our hearts and minds as we hope to reschedule as soon as it is safe.   Please comment on our Facebook page or email us at our class    And let us know “how” you are doing, and “what” you have been doing..LETS STAY IN TOUCH...❤️

Hope to see everyone soon!



Update 3-20-20

Classmates, the reunion in April is officially postponed.  The general consensus of all the responses was that given the current coronavirus activity that seems to be getting worse that this would be the best decision.   We WILL be rescheduling as soon as it is safe to do so.  We will be posting updates as they happen and trying to give you all some options.  Please stay safe!


Update 3-16-20

Classmates, Jane Brooks Jackson and I have heard from John Spraggins and because of the coronavirus pandemic, he will not be attending the reunion.   He had to make some hard decisions because of flight scheduling etc.  Even more disheartening was a trip planned out of the country to meet a new grand baby that had to be canceled.   

With this in mind, and the unknown status of the virus over the next 6 weeks, we wanted to take a poll from the people who have paid and were planning to attend even if you haven’t paid, what are your thoughts?   Reschedule or take our chances and keep the date.    We have paid for the place and for the deposit which may or may not be thoughts are under the circumstances, they would let us reschedule and use this money.   We don’t know what it will look like in 6 weeks, but we do know some of you have plane tickets, hotel reservations etc.   Please comment below and let us know simply, Reschedule or Keep the date and we will go from there.  Let’s try to get this done by Thursday of this week.   

Tom Norvell Thomas Williams Margaret Moss Peggy King Bobbitt Becky Walton Meek Rhonda Irvin Tina Martin Burke Mary Lou Huckabee Downs Mary Ella Impson Earle Mary Ella Earle Linda Faught Cary Belinda Stuart Mary Beth Millican Moore Ronny Brown Ron Lewis Larry McWilliams Paula Burnett Avera Lamar Smith Judy C. Lee Judy Brown Bruce B McRae Mark Gunter Connie Hendrix Valene Hendrix Bonnie Puckett Kevin Guerin Allis Leigh Wray  Bo Watkins 
Debbie Moore. 

Please reach out to any of these that you know are not in this group.  

Ok, let’s get thoughts!   
                Thanks,    Denise

UPDATE 2-22-20

We’re getting quite a list of classmates that have responded and are going to attend the reunion but WHERE are the rest of you?    Please let us know if possible by March 15 so that we can finalize plans for refreshments etc.   Jane Brooks Jackson and I are working hard along with Larry McWilliams wife Ann to make sure that we have enough refreshments etc for everyone!    Thank you all for your help with this.   If you need any help sending in your payment or understanding the plans please reach out to us.    They are posted here and on class creator.    Also share, share, and share again!



Okay class of 1970...picture see me at a major intersection, holding a sign that reads "HUNGRY--- to see old friends--- Will do reunion work for $15-$20 or more if you feel generous "  Now, what are you going to do, just let me stand there and beg (NAG)???  Come on, time is drawing closer and closer.....send your check to me soon, very soon.  Jane Brooks Jackson, 509 Bill Clinton Drive, Hope, Ar 71801  OR use the pay pal instructions below!!!
REASONING-   We need to know how many to plan for so we will have enough food/drinks for afternoon fun!!

 Also help us let others know that are not on our Facebook or class creator page!   See you guys soon!

Jane and Denise   

Reminder:   We are now almost at only 3 months away from our BIG 50th reunion!   We are now needing payments to come in as soon as you can make your final plans so that we can know how many to plan for.    Below is a recap of our original post.    Also look at the members on this class creator and our face book group and help us reach out to non-members that might be your fb friend.   Looking forward to seeing everyone.   Holidays are over and we have got to get moving!   We want everyone there!  


Final plans for 50th Class Reunion in 2020:

1970 HHS Grads...  We will be having  a VERY informal 50th class reunion.  We have rented a room at The First National Bank of Tom Bean -Hope Branch , 301 N Hervey St., Hope, for Saturday, April 25, 2020.  We will have a COME and GO visiting time from 1-5 pm.   Light refreshments will be available.  Cost will be $15 for one person and $20 per couple.   We are hoping to receive most PAYMENTS THROUGH PAYPAL SENT WiTH THE METHOD "FAMILY AND FRIENDS " which will not cost you or the class anything.  The address for pay pal is:    This will give us a record of who is attending and how many.   You can start sending those payments now and we would like to have them at latest MARCH 15, 2020 in order to plan food etc.   if you prefer to mail a check, please make out to: HHS Class of 1970 and mail in c/o Jane Brooks Jackson,  509 Bill Clinton Dr, Hope,Ar 71801.  

The second part of the reunion will move to Tailgaters Burgers downtown which is definitely "more than a burger joint".  They will be expecting us at 6pm and It will still be informal, order from the menu and Dutch Treat!   As some classmates do not use either our Class website or Facebook, please let them know.  Your comments and thoughts are always welcome and we are so looking forward to seeing everyone. 

Please make sure your email address in class creator is up to date so that you receive communication and that you have your preferences set to receive notifications.   Also, we would love to get any information you'd like to share.   

Also, the Class of 1970 now has our own closed group on Facebook, Hope High School Class of 1970-AR.  It will have a group picture of our 40th reunion.   How we looked 10 years ago will let you know it's the right Facebook page,   

AND we have our own email.  Please email us at the address and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  





