
Dear Classmates,

How quickly the years have gone. Because time moves so swiftly, it is important to occasionally pause to give it perspective, to stop and enjoy who we are by remembering who we were. It is our sincere hope that this reunion will not only revive fond memories and friendships, but also create more new ones for the future.

We are eagerly looking forward to visiting with all of you at our 10 year class reunion. The Reunion Committee has been working hard to make sure it is an unforgettable first reunion and we need your support in making sure the reunion events are well attended.  Visit our 10 year reunion link to learn more about the events that we have planned--and don't forget, you can sponsor the reunion by visiting our sponsorship page.  No matter how big or small the contribution, we need your support!  Our bond will never be broken because Diamonds are truly forever.  I am proud to be a Diamond and can't wait to return to the Diamond Mine.  See you in 2010!


Stephanie Davis, Committee Lead