Classmates in the Military


Hatboro Horsham High School Class of 66 – Military Service


US Army US Marine Corps    US Navy   US Air Force     
Mark Brooks  Robert Braithwaite Warren Kimmel Chuck Solly
Joe Mack  Jerry Hanford Robert Saldutti Ron Wells
John Gilligan James Lachman C. Krussen Heller Ken Fretz
Richard Ott    Ken Sauer Robert Chappell
Lois Hammonds   David Smith Andrea Miller
Elliot Ridgeway   Michael Harrison Charles Chase
Charles Gerstemeier   Steve Schmitt  
Chris Black   Ric Wyant  


                                                                                    Deceased Military:

     Tom Dillion -- US Army    Charles Berridge -- USMC        Robert Shinn -- USAF       
     Ed Rosessler -- US Army      Kevin Harris -- USAF
     Jerry Sumpf -- US Army     Mitchell Ruch -- US Navy    John Camarata -- USAF
     Dennis Kwedder -- US Army        




Military Uniform Pictures: