Old pictures and articles

While researching Hatboro achives I came across this 1943 directory and found it very interesting to see Hatboro from that era.  I know it is many years before we were even born, but again it is interesting to see how many shops were still around whenn we were in school.  Enjoy and send me a message telling me if you also found it interesting.  Nancy Meehan - namsr2@gmail.com 

Here is the pdf /000/3/7/7/27773/userfiles/file/1943HatboroDirectory-web-ocr.pdf

To better view these pictures, (in Windows), click on the page then hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and roll the mouse wheel back and forth.

The two pictures below are courtesy of Don Steele: "I’m sending a group photo of all the elementary school teachers in Hatboro. Unfortunately it is not dated.  Interestingly, it is signed on the back by everyone in the picture.  I’m guessing it is c:1958.  It shows my, and everyone’s favorite teacher, Mrs. Patterson."