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•   Cari J. Aratoon (Pearlman)  9/8
•   Rodney Charles Neighbour  8/18
•   Karen Linda Kuhre (Nielsen)  8/15
•   Joyce Lynn Gray (Krause)  6/10
•   Carolyn Keller (Collins)  6/7
•   Neil Chason Brooks  6/5
•   Mary Marsha Sweeton (Wicks)  6/4
•   Paul Melancon (Melancon)  5/19
•   Karen "Kerry" Elaine Cropp (Meyer)  2/16
•   Janie Anne Bell  12/25
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
4 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
7 live in California
4 live in Colorado
2 live in Florida
5 live in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
2 live in Missouri
2 live in New Mexico
1 lives in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
2 live in Pennsylvania
2 live in Tennessee
190 live in Texas
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Costa Rica
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Netherlands
651 location unknown


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Welcome to the Westchester High Class Of 1974 web site.

This site has been established by the Westchester Alumni Association for use by the Class of 1974. If you would like to be the Site Administrator please contact Ralph Devine at The registered Domain name for the site cost $19 per year. Details regarding loading of classmates can be provided by Ralph Devine.


Westchester Alumni Website Guidance

1.       All Alumni should be encouraged join the WAA Site as well as individual class sites.  It should be clearly stated that the main site to join should be the WAA site. This will allow everyone to see classmates in multiple classes and allow for easier communication with less duplication (see 9 below).
2.       When a new Class Member asks to join the WAA Site this notice will be shared with the Class Site Administrator for the specific year to allow for both lists to be maintained. In addition, the WAA Site will encourage the individual to also join their individual class site.
3.       All Class Site Administrators should share emails, announcements, reunion information etc. with the WAA website Administrator for posting on the WAA site as well as their own site. This will allow the best distribution of information. Short summary announcements will be posted on the WAA site, referring the reader to enter the specific Class Site for details.
4.       The WAA website will provide an Excel Spreadsheet to each Class Site to allow the other sites to load In-Memory or Class Members if they would like.  This will allow us to keep data in sync.
5.       The individual class sites will be able to post detail news, email, reunion information, etc. on their specific sites
6.       Each Class Site can customize their individual site any way they wish.  Once the Class has taken over administration of the Site it is theirs to do with as they wish.  WAA will no longer participate in the individual site unless asked.
7.       Cost for the individual class sites should be maintained by each individual class. This would be a $19 annual fee for the site to register their domain. 
8.       Sites that are already set up can continue to maintain as is but will be encouraged to participate in these guidelines to the benefit of everyone involved.
9.       Emails which are class specific will be sent by each individual class only. Emails which are to be sent to all classes, WAA Membership, All Class Reunion, WAA Parties, Scholarship Donation Information, Elections to WAA, etc. will be sent by the WAA Website Administrator.  We hope this will keep duplicate emails to a minimum.
The WAA site and the individual Class Sites both offer very good opportunities that can not be duplicated by one another. Our goal is for the WAA site to be the “Umbrella’ site for Westchester. Each class will still have their own individual site and do their own thing. To do this the WAA will provide guidance and assistance to the individual classes as requested by the individual Class.  We hope this will allow us to maintain the stated goals of the Westchester Alumni Association in the most accommodating fashion.