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•   Andi Atkinson (Atkinson)  6/7
•   Beatrice Winn  5/30
•   Horace Winn  5/30
•   Joyce Harris  5/30
•   Wilford Tyler  3/26
•   Deborah Marentette (2020)  3/26
•   Laura Griffenberg  11/29
•   Adair Smith  7/12
•   Rebecca "Becky" Werlla  5/18
•   Chris George  4/19
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•   Susan Stockslager  9/20
•   Rebecca "Becky" Werlla  9/21
•   Vera Sauter  9/28

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer"   Psalm 19:14

Welcome to the Fidelis Class web site. It's intended to allow class members to stay in touch with each other for Christian fellowship.

The Fidelis Class was organized as The Couples Class in 1944 with Dr. Clem Baker as teacher and Bill Morgan as first class president.

In 1953, on June 21, a special committee headed by Glen Severs, Sr., presented the class with a new set of bylaws and the name Fidelis Couples Class.

On March 26, 1972, a special committee under the chairmanship of George Kesler presented the class a revised set of bylaws by which the name was changed to The Fidelis Class.

A further revision of bylaws was presented by Barnet B. Skelton, chairman of a special committee, to the class on February 17, 1975, and adopted by the class. Another revision of the bylaws was presented by Bill Masters, chairman of a special committee, to the class on October 8, 2000, and adopted by the class.

Some of the original charter members of the class are still active. They started out with children in the nursery and have watched many of them complete education and begin families and couples classes of their own.

The class has grown over the years under the leadership of excellent teachers and has sponsored many worthy projects in the church and in the community.

In October 2007, the Oxford Believers Class joined with The Fidelis Class. We were honored and blessed to have united with them.




The Fidelis Sunday School Zoom classes now require a new password for all meetings and/or classes in 2023.  Here is your revised link and password for Fidelis.  Please use this log in and Password when joining the Sunday School class each week. Thanks!

Topic: Fidelis Sunday School

Time: Each Sunday in 2023 at 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 2177 1181

Passcode: Fidelis

One tap mobile

+13462487799, 88221771181# US (Houston)

Unless cancelled by a vote of the class, in every month that has five Sundays, the Fidelis Class will plan to have lunch together on the fifth Sunday immediately after the 11AM service. The location will be selected by the class on an earlier Sunday.