Jerry McCoy

Profile Updated: February 22, 2019
Residing In: Lakeland, FL USA
Occupation: disabled

Since we graduated, I've attended DMACC to get an Associates Degree in Healthcare Administration (1978-1980) and helped get a nursing home's office on a computer system with inventory control, payroll and individual department budgeting (1981-1983).

I worked flea markets where I sold imprinted T-shirts, used computers, new computers, repaired computers and taught people how to use their computers.

I've been working with a local business marketing consultant since 2012 to help local businesses build their business using an online marketing strategy that includes reputation marketing, social and video.

Hello fellow IHS alum.

I want to start by thanking those of you that have contributed or are thinking of contributing to the fund that Mary (Ford) Krier started to help me get into a healthier and safer living environment.
The 45-year-old mobile home that I’m currently living in is nearing its end of life because dad is no longer around to maintain it and hurricane Irma which hit his last year has helped the walls separate from the roof and the floor.

I need to be out of here no later than November 1, 2019 because I’m pretty sure our summer rains will be very hard on it and me. Hopefully, the hurricanes will avoid Florida this year because another hurricane rattling this old trailer could bring it down.

Mold is growing under the trailer as well as on the inside in some rooms which does nothing to help my allergies.

Like many people our age, I have a few health issues and some of these are aggravated by my paralysis. Obesity is one issue I can do very little about because I haven’t been out of bed for over 20 years. High blood pressure and adult onset diabetes are both associated with my obesity.
I generally end up in the hospital once every 5 to 7 months to help get some of the fluid off of me because of CHF.

Getting away from this mold into a living environment that will be more pleasant and healthier will definitely help my health and my outlook on life.

To help stave off boredom, I’m volunteering to run a business that helps small to medium-size businesses with their digital marketing online. If you know a veterinarian, Doctor or lawyer that would like a free thirty-second video commercial, please have them contact me.

I will consider any business for this free offer for a limited time and your help would be appreciated in helping me connect with them.

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Jerry McCoy updated his profile. View.
Feb 22, 2019 at 2:35 PM
Jerry McCoy added a comment on his Profile.
Jul 15, 2016 at 11:14 AM
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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:05 AM