Class History

The following was our historical account as printed prior to our graduation.  It is meant to serve as reminder of our years at Inola Public Schools, and not to degrade anyone - ENJOY! 

The Class of ‘88 has had a lot of memorable times. We have written some of these down so that we might tell the underclassmen of our history and refresh the memories of the Seniors.
Remember when Jeff Dunham would play Fonzie. He would snap his fingers and Laura Parris and Laura Fredrick would come rushing to his side. Remember when the boys tagged Bob Williamson during football and someone “accidentally” pulled his pants to his knees.
This was the year that Amy Runyan taught Joleta what the “dirty” finger meant. Remember when Joleta pulled the chair out from under Amy.
The couple of the year was Joleta Ingersoll and Jimmie Stookey.
1st Grade:
Remember when Lisa Reynolds, Cathy Perkins, and Gretchen Johnson fought every day; and, of course, they still do.
The couple of the year was Jeff Dunham and Shawna Turner.
2nd Grade:
Justin Hall and Toni Pearce joined us that year and Bill Padgett was the hot item. All the girls decided to join Blue Birds.

Laura Parris was pretending to swallow a quarter and she really did, but not for long. Everyone would run in the back of the building and come running back screaming, swearing it was haunted. Did you ever think Blue Birds could be so exciting.
Karen Crane, Laura Parris, and Joey Brown all got busted from Miss Bearden for running to the Reading Table. Justin Hall and Sarah Craft got in trouble for throwing firecrackers. This was also the year of the gangs--Jeff Dunham vsTimmy Cotton.
The couples of the year were Billy McCoy and Laura Parris, Joleta Ingersoll and Billie Padgett, and Joey Brown and Laura Parris.
3rd Grade:
The new student this year was Alan Baldwin. Remember when Matt Myers told half the people on the playground how babies were made. And how about when Jeff Dunham would play poker in the back of the room.
Remember when Mrs. Kight took anyone who talked in the hall on the way from the cafeteria to the office. Everyone got 3 licks.
Matt Myers opened a packet of ketchup and it squirted to the ceiling. It’s still there.
Remember when David Ecord died. We will always remember that!!
The couple of the year was Justin Hall and Gretchen Johnson.
4th Grade:
The new recruits were Mike Jackson, Gary Williams, Stuart Manning, and Clint Barnes. The first week Clint Barnes was here nobody would play football with him so he stole their football. It didn’t pay off though, because Jeff Dunham held his arms, Shawn McNichol threw the football at his face, and Clint got busted for it.
5th Grade:
David Goad joined us that year and he started off with a bang by undoing Joleta Ingersoll’s bra and getting licks for it.
Remember when Joleta Ingersoll and Sarah Craft started a petition for girls football. Mr. Peters gave them both a lecture on how boys walked with their legs apart and girls walked with their legs together, and they should start walking like ladies.
Remember when Toni Pearce stuffed her bra. Matt Myers had a can of raisins and Miss Froese smashed it with a sledge hammer.
Laura Parris, Amy Runyan, and Karen Crane got into a fight over Billy McCoy. Billy was going with Laura and Karen wanted him too, so they got into a fight outside and Amy Runyan called Karen four eyes and Karen threw down her glasses and broke them. Amy got licks and the rest got off scot free.
Remember when Miss Froese found a love list and made Clint Barnes and Bill Padgett kiss her. Gary Williams choked ona peach and Mr. Peters had to relieve him of it.
Everyone remembers how Mr. Jones would look at you over the top of his glasses. The “Gong Show” was won by two girls who sang “Five Little Devils All Dressed in Red.”
The couples of the year were Laura Fredrick and Shawn McNichol and Clint Barnes and EVERYBODY!
6th Grade:
This year brought us to the top of the totem pole. Remember when Shawn McNichol got suspended for saying a BAD word. Karen Crane and Chris Barajas tied Jarrett Philpot and Billy McCoy’s shoe strings together and Chris and Karen got busted from Miss Froese.
Remember playing bloody knuckles on the playground with big combs that we all carried in our back pockets. Of course, Barbara Bostick’s was the biggest.
Billy McCoy and Terry Rinner chased Steve Brentlinger around during recess thinking he was a Leprechaun.
Remember when Laura Parris and Ricky Woods were caught kissing on the playground and got three licks instead of missing the track meet. Laura didn’t get in trouble, but we know the truth don’t we, Laura!
The couple of the year was Cathy Perkins and Jarrett Philpot.
7th Grade:
The new students that year were Brett Gorman, Tony Alonzo, Casey Cox, and Kenny Barnett.
Kenny Barnett and Ryan Kincade got into a fight at football practice Kenny tore him up! At least that’s what Kenny said.
Casey Cox got a bad grade on a test and Mr. Price made him cry. I think everyone else made Mr. Price cry. Oh, by the way Mr. Price spit out your gum.
8th Grade:
The new students were Scott Bible, Robert Stuart, and Kristy Peerson.
Remember when Jerry Honeycutt wrote on Mr. Barkley’s Civics room wall and had to wash it off.
9th Grade:
The Tiawah people joined us that year. These were Missie Lamb, Renee’ Melver, Joe Milone, and Bobby Scoggins. Also, D’Ann Davenport joined the class.
Remember when sweet little Shelly Couch, Cathy Perkins, and Shari Wisdom got run down by the cop for’ having boys in the barn in the middle of the night. D’Ann Davenport was caught in the smoke hole and had to work in the cafeteria for two weeks.
Remember when Coach Grigg took us to the State Tournament and Renee’ Melver, Laura Parris, Shelly Dill, and Sheila Rex were staying in one room. They looked out the window and the stairway was lined with guys from Ada. But Mr. Grigg kept telling us he was awake. Sure you were!!
Gary Williams and Scott Bible tried to play Evil Knieval and jumped a bridge. Remember Mr. Whitacker’s surgery he performed on the frogs. He said they lived, but what do you think?
Mrs. Robinson, do you remember Jody West’s electrical engineering he performed on your electrical outlet? This was the year of the cat fights. Felicia Hill and Jody Duty hooked it up and Lisa Reynolds and Gina Jackson also had a disagreement.
10th Grade:
Garey Childs was running across the old cafeteria floor when it was wet and slipped and fell on his rear in front of a classroom full of girls.
Thanks to a certain group of young men our ASVAB tests were lowered lots of points. These young men played dot to dot on theirs!
Tim Cotton was thrown down onto some rocks by Billy McCoy and it skinned his face all up. Matt Myers had an awesome party. Too bad he wasn’t there to enjoy it.
Stephanie Campbell, in one of her wrecks, totaled her ‘77
Celica. She hit Amy Dunham. After the 1986 Prom, Missie Lamb and Shelly Couch were mistaken for prostitutes by a black woman named Candi Apple Red.
11th Grade:
Robert Shrier was the new addition to our class.
Todd Berg was run over by Tim Cotton in his big Pinto after Junior Play practice. Justin Hall overacted a punch scene in the play and busted his chin and broke a tooth.
Remember playing hide and seek in the gym after away basketball games.
Penny Harwood got a ticket coming home from Vo-Tech. All the buses passed by and everyone was staring. The ticket was for driving 70 mph. and she wasn’t even supposed to be driving. Brian Dill, James Baker, Richard Hawkins, and Guy Walkup rolled Brian’s car on the way to Vo—Tech and still made it in time for fourth hour class.
In the cafeteria everyone was smashing their peas and Karen Crane threw up everywhere.
Amy Runyan, Shari Wisdom, Sheila Rex, and Shelly Couch crashed a toga party at TU.
Remember when Crystal Murray came to Inola for the first time. She was so frightened she doesn’t.
Jarrett Philpot hit the pole in the parking lot——barn! Gary Williams was with him. Michael Rash backed into the local Court Clerk in the parking 1st. Eric Reed blasted his truck pipes and got in trouble by the whole school faculty.
12th Grade:
Remember when Chris Barajas run through the gym door on MAT test day and hit Mr. Goodsell in the head with the door. He got 7 or 8 stitches. Pat Lowther, Teri Webb, Mrs. Gail Oguin, and Mrs. Spurlock played “Farkel.” Mrs. Oquin won.
Stephanie (Lucas) Nipper met the one person who changed her life——with the help of Sarah Craft.
On Senior Skip Day, Grant Yates backed into a ditch.
Does anybody remember the reclining seats in Mike Rash’s car? I’ll bet Penny Harwood does. Remember when Brett Thomas thought he was a Senior and showed up at the Senior party. Alan Baldwin blew out his tire chasing Shawna and Porky. Remember when Alan and Shawna stayed together for more than a week. Remember when Clint Barnes got five tickets in two months.


Through the Years

Listed below are each years listing of classmates from our yearbooks -

11th Grade:

Luke Amos, Shelly Applegate, Alan Baldwin, Gerald Baldwin, Chris Barajas, Clint Barnes, Kenny Barnett, Todd Berg, Scott Bible, Jackie Bodenstein, Steve Bolden, Barbara Bostick, Steve Brentlinger, Joe Brown, Lana Bynum, Stephanie Campbell, Hope Chasteen, Brent Clay, Michelle Cochran, Charlie Coleman, Elizabeth Cooper, Tim Cotton, Shelly Couch, Casey Cox, Sarah Craft, Karen Crane, Brent Cummins, Larry Cummins, D'Ann Davenport, Wes Davenport, Eric Deerinwater, Brian Dill, Connie Dodd, Diane Dormier, Jeff Dunham, Teresa Forrester, Laura Fredrick, David Goad, Brett Gorman, Justin Hall, Penny Harwood, Jerry Honeycutt, Cindy Hudson, Joleta Ingersoll, Mike Jackson, Gretchen Johnson, Kent Johnson, Rikki Jones, Veronica Kilpatrick, Kim Krause, Missie Lamb, Linda Long, Pat Lowther, Stuart Manning, Scotty Mathews, Billy McCoy, Shawn McNichol, Renee' Melver, Todd Miller, Joseph Milone, Jeff Moore, Crystal Murray, Matt Myers, Bill Padgett, Laura Parris, Toni Pearce, Kristi Peerson, Cathy Perkins, Jarrett Philpot, Mike Rash, Eric Reed, Sheila Rex, Lisa Reynolds, Amy Runyan, Allen Saldeen, Bobby Scoggins, Robert Shrier, Kathy Soderquist, Greg Sparks, Robert Stuart, Amy Sutterfield, Julie Sweet, Ken Tally, Shane Tinker, Shawna Turner, Laura Vaughn, Guy Walkup, Teri Webb, Lea Welch, Jody West, Gary Williams, Bobby Williamson, Shari Wisdom, Grant Yates

10th Grade:

Luke Amos, Shelly Applegate, Alan Baldwin, Chris Barajas, Clint Barnes, Kenny Barnett, Todd Berg, Scott Bible, Jackie Bodenstein, Steve Bolden, Dan Brassert, Steve Brentlinger, Joe Brown, Lana Bynum, Stephanie Campbell, Hope Chasteen, Brent Clay, Elizabeth Cooper, Tim Cotton, Shelly Couch, Casey Cox, Sarah Craft, Karen Crane, Brent Cummins, Larry Cummins, D'Ann Davenport, Eric Deerinwater, Brian Dill, Diane Dormier, Jeff Dunham, Jodi Duty, Valeri Elkins, Teresa Forrester, Christi Franks, Laura Fredrick, Sherry Garcia, David Goad, Brett Gorman, Justin Hall, Penny Harwood, Frank Holzhauer, Jerry Honeycutt, Cindy Hudson, Joleta Ingersoll, Mike Jackson, Gretchen Johnson, Eddy Jones, Kim Krause, Ryan Kincaide, Missie Lamb, Todd LeMaster, Hank Leonard, Linda Long, Pat Lowther, Robin Machuta, Stuart Manning, Scotty Mathews, Billy McCoy, Shawn McNichol, Renee' Melver, Todd Miller, Jeff Moore, Matt Myers, Robby Myers, Kelly Owen, Bill Padgett, Laura Parris, Toni Pearce, Kristi Peerson, Cathy Perkins, Jarrett Philpot, Mike Rash, Eric Reed, Sheila Rex, Troy Richardson, Amy Runyan, Allen Saldeen, Bobby Scoggins, Kathy Soderquist, Greg Sparks, Robert Stuart, Patty Stuck, Amy Sutterfield, Shawna Turner, Laura Vaughn, Guy Walkup, Teri Webb, Lea Welch, Jody West, Gary Williams, Lisa Williams, Bobby Williamson, Shari Wisdom, Grant Yates

More to come. . .
