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•   Josh Brawn  4/7
•   Shane Kanouse  3/4
•   Erik Floyd  7/14
•   Andrea Purdey  4/11
•   Gloria Fracasse  2/27
•   Aaron Williams  1/23
•   Austin Lindemann  1/17
•   Jonathan Clayton  1/17
•   Ileah Bradshaw  1/16
•   Zachary Willis  1/16
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

19 live in Florida
1 lives in South Carolina
149 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Interlachen High Class Of 2011 web site.

This is a "FREE" private Website reserved solely for the students that attended Interlachen High School in Interlachen, Florida from 2007 to 2011 Your name must appear on the list of "Classmate Profiles" and you must sign in under your name with a valid e-mail address and password. If you think that anyone is on this site that shouldn't have access to be on it, please send us a message asap, we will make sure that we keep outsiders out.

If you are from the classes of 2009,2010,2012,2013 and you would like to be added to our site please do the following; Click contact us from the list at the left of this page. Then type in your name and your class (2013), and your email address. Give us a day or two to confirm your name and picture is a Interlachen High Year Book and add you to our site. Check back and find your name on the list of student profiles. Click on your name and add a password and you will be in. Be sure to add information and photos to your profile!

If you are not listed or if you have any problems getting into this site or if you have problems with anyone misusing this site, please send me an e-mail your name and explain your problem.

Sincerely, Ileah Bradshaw, Website Administrator