Reunion Weekend


Northwest High School CLASS of ‘63 REUNION Weekend!  

 *Saturday Night Gala Reunion Party*
When: 25 July 2009 at 6:30pm
Where: The Cascades Manor House, Fireplace Room; Jackson MI
             1970 Kibby Rd     Check it out at <> 

On the menu: Roast beef and manicotti; green bean medley and corn casserole; salad bar; beverages. Cash bar. Cash dessert table.  (Friends don't let friends near that table.)

*Cost: $29/person and $25 per guest  (How to pay--scroll to bottom)

 (*For the place + 2-entre dinner +18% gratuity + 6% sales tax + dinner for our guests, class advisor Janet Baker Keith + her guest; + Brunch & snacks + Cost of website and domain registration. )

There will be Introductions (your name and your guest) and a  Program.  Prizes for Accomplishments and Door Prizes.  A short time for several stories that need telling!  Some entertainment, too.  Contact me if you would like to contribute a story or entertainment or anything else to the program, or have ideas.

Phyllis cell:  707-540-8252


I'm not coming all this way for just 5-6 hours Saturday night...So...

Let's do a Friday night event, and a Sunday brunch.

*Friday Night Say Hey!*:  We can figure out who all these old people all are!  (Here in the South, "Hey!" = Hi! )

Meet for BYO Drinks after dinner, 7 pm onward,  at Dave and Amy Schindler's home:  6378 Lansing Ave; blue house 1/4 mi past intersection with VanHorn Rd. ( If you come to Sherman Oaks, you went too far.)

Bring lawn chairs--and some extras-- if you've got 'em.

I'll bring snacks, and if you can also bring something to contribute, great. It will be much appreciated.  

Stupendous door prizes!!!

Meet up first at restaurant with your old friends.  Or, you can bring take-out and eat at Dave's.  I posted some Jackson restaurants in a new " User Forum."  (Please post your comments, and/or recommend other restaurants.)

There is also Saturday daytime for best friends to get together.


*Sunday Brunch*

At the home of Andy and Harriett Crisenbery --11900 Town Rd; Parma 

9:30 am - Noon

Tahe I-94 west from Jackson;  Parma Rd exit, go right (North) about 5 mi on Parma Rd; left (West) on Town Rd.  House is on right and  before the next crossroad (Brown Rd).  Andy says Mapquest and GPS, etc., have "moved" his place amazingly far down the road--so rely on the written directions.

We'll get to see "the house Andy built!" 

Please bring b.y.o. coffee mugs and some extra chairs, if you've got 'em.

If you bring a contribution to the brunch, that's welcome, but not required.




Post further ideas & your comments in the "General Forum: Reunion Weekend" 

**We need some donated door prizes--some hilarious and some cool stuff.  I'm bringing Costa Rican cafe fantastico; dancing slippers for Cinderella;  a hot designer Wolfskin Vol Fire Dept t-shirt, world-class Georgia Vidalia sweet onions;  my husband Jeff is donating 2 of his watercolor prints.  Maxine shipped some cool stuff from Seattle.  Bob McNitt is hitting up his fave Jackson restaurants for Dinner-for-2 gift certificates.  Gene is importing some Croatian things!  Also, bring a gag (or serious) gift for some special person if you want--you can present it in the program Sat.  Let these ideas start your scheming wheels turning...  (Email me RE what you can bring.)


How to Pay :  Personal check or money order. (Third party collectors via charge cards or Paypal want a hefty fee.)  At this point--you late-paying slackers--just guarantee that you are coming (*I need the Saturday night dinner count* ) and pay at the door.  It's too late to mail a check.  (Any left over $ will keep the website up longer and/or go toward making a Reunion Weekend scrapbook on CD for everybody.)

Make payable to: Phyllis Jackson 




