
********Announcement 9/19/17 **********
The Planning Committee met last night and made the final changes to the reunion weekend schedule and location.

The decision was made to have only one evening event, and for that event to be on Saturday night.
- The Saturday night party will be held at the McCarters' home Saturday evening for a
casual evening of fun and catered hor d'oeuvres.  7 Redwood Cove, Jackson, TN.
- The Saturday morning breakfast at the Old Country Store is
still on for anyone wants to get together.

As a result of these changes we've reduced the reunion cost to $40 per person. 

For those of you who have already paid, the difference in cost will be refunded to you.

The revised schedule and pricing has been sent out via email to anyone who has provided an email address, as well as posting the revised schedule / invitation here on Facebook.

Please help us spread the word.

Many thanks to the McCarters for opening their home to us for the Saturday night gathering.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Michele Gachet