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07/27/08 03:38 PM #32    

Kris Patrick (Mink)

Ditto all of the above. It was a great party. Rob and i had a lot of fun. Bob amd Beth, you two were extremely kind to take this on, and Beth doing all you did for our class---Thank you so much.
It was so fun to see everyone and get to connect and reconnect with prople I haven't seen for years. I kept hearing all night--"We really had a great class!" I agree. I hope some of you guys will come for the "Prep Reunion" in the fall.

07/27/08 09:00 PM #33    

Charles White

Absolutely, Adrienne and Marion.... it was a far better time than I expected, and I was expecting a great time.....Bob, thanks for the time, expense and the mess that we no doubt made of your house..... We really are/were blessed to have had such a great group of people to grow up with, as well as a great time and place to do so. I have a lot of other friends in other cities who would trade a great deal for the experience and group that we have. I did not get to speak to everyone and I certainly would attend another--soon as we can-- i am going to try to create an email group with all the data to stay in the loop as much as i can. David, Susan, Bobby and everyone who put so much effort into this, if your days are as busy as mine, it really took an effort, and we really appreciate it.....

07/28/08 09:53 PM #34    

Bobby Dye

To everyone that made it there and to those that couldn't- we have a great class. It was so much fun putting this reunion together. There was a lot of preparation that went into finding everyone- that we could! Please help us contact those that didn't respond. The very one thing I don't want is for someone to feel they were left out. We have too good a class for that.
It was a blast on Saturday. It was just too quick. I got home at 2am and was still wide awake. I wish there had been more time to visit with more people. Some people left before I had a chance to catch up. Comments in previous posts- there was not as much a change in people as I expected- was true. There were a lot of laughs around the rooms and a lot of hugs. I will be glad to do this again in five years if you think we can get enough participation. Several people that couldn't make it this time will hopefully be there in October.
I could go on and on but will close with saying thank you to everyone that helped me get this started, thank you for everyone being excited about being there, thank you to those that tried to get there but couldn't, thank you to the Russells for this great website, thank you to the Lloyds for opening up their home and make the reunion much more comfortable ( and for that cool concert on the big screen), and thanks to everyone that made this part of our lives special and allowing all of us to continue friendships that truely last a lifetime.
I will post some options on the memorial fund and what we can do with the money we are raising. Prep has offered to put our memorial inside their brand new Commons Building. It will honor our class by listing our lost classmates. If you have not given and still want to give, please make the check to Jackson Prep and put "memorial" on the bottom. Mail it to me. The more we can raise the better the memorial. We all really missed the eight people that are gone. Great memories there too. I will post the numbers soon and a goal to achieve. Sorry for the long note. Send me a message if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the next reunion. PS Post more pics!

07/31/08 12:35 AM #35    

Debbie Bond (Dear)

I am still excited about this past weekend's events in Jackson even though Whitney and I are back home in Virginia! I have gotten quite philosophical over the past 30 years having experienced quite a lot of great times as well as more challenging events and I have a pretty cool perspective on life now and I not only agree with what everyone has been saying about how wonderful the reunion was but I also see it as something very significant that each of us can take back home with us to cherish. We are indeed a pretty awesome group if we say so ourselves! In Randy Pausch's (the college professor who wrote the Last Lecture(a must read) who unfortunately passed away on Friday)book, he encourages all of us to "pursue childhood dreams with vigor, to celebrate little moments with loved ones and generally to rejoice in life." His message from this book was to remind us that if we put relationships first, discover and pursue passions and appreciate the good in others, karma takes care of itself. his reunion personifies alot of this. I try to overlook the negative stuff that comes along, seize each opportunity to do some good in the world, let people know that they matter and to cherish what God has blessed us with and keep moving forward. I am truly enjoying re-kindling and even starting relationships with my classmates/friends and want it to continue and I pledge to do my part to keep the Prep 78 fire burning! I agree that the October event is a must for all of us if humanly possible and that our memorial gift is important for our 8 who are not with us anymore. I also think we should try for another event in 5 years...maybe even a cruise or something which would get us together for several days (I promise not to get left when the ship sails this time!)and would make a fun vacation for our spouses! :-) I would host it in Virginia Beach which is an awesome destination near enough to DC and WIlliamsburg as well as the beach if people wanted. Let's keep the conversation's important I think. Thank you Bobby Dye for instigating and planning all this and Thank you David and Susan for the amazing website and communication forum you have given us and to Bob and Beth who hosted us in their amamzing home, thank you for sharing it with us and for making all of us feel so welcome! Okay, I'll quit for now (Jim DeFoe, I hear you!) Love, Debbie BD

07/31/08 04:40 PM #36    

Debbie Bond (Dear)

For the October event, Lucia Jones told me that it will involve a pre-game casual dinner in the commons for us and families, then we go to the football game; they will recognize our class and have our football players come out on the field and then 12:30 pm on Saturday they have a tour and little get together at the school for us ot show our kids our school. We could have our kids at that and then What if we had a get together on Saturday evening with just us and spouses so we can hang and have fun again? Any ideas where we could go? Debbie BD My gang will be driving down which takes a day and a half so all of this would make it worth it for sure :-)

07/31/08 05:05 PM #37    

David Russell

Sounds like Prep has a good agenda for the Friday affair. I know some (myself included)are going to college games on Saturday. Some that are coming in from out of town for this may want to do something however.

07/31/08 09:24 PM #38    

DeDe Best (Miley)

Oh my gosh, Susan and David, the slideshow is awesome! I agree with all comments about the reunion 100%!!! I think i said to somebody else, i've talked to so many people that i have'nt talked to in years that i don't know who i've said the same thing to over and over or not so...I don't know when i've laughed so hard that my stomach was sore Sunday!!! What a blast!! I would love to get together for homecoming, if you get something going. Thank you and Susan both for all of your time and effort, and i will be anxiously awaiting news or details about homecoming!

07/31/08 11:03 PM #39    

Kenneth Rhodes

So sorry Lori & I missed the party. San Diego was great - as was meeting TV's Robert Culp and USA Today's Whitney Matheson - but this gathering might have been more fun that milling around the convention center with 124,999 other comic, sci-fi and TV geeks.

I hope the October homecoming deal is earlier than the week of Halloween - that's the week of our trip to Napa. All this travel was my and Lori's 25th anniversary present to each other.

The slide show was amazing, as was the great playlist.

08/04/08 10:56 AM #40    

Marion Buchanan (Culver)

All of a sudden I have all of this "free time" to get on this web site! How fun it was to meet up with Susan Pate
Russell, Kim Patrick Mink and Kim Thompson Besselievre (Thompson is much easier to spell and I haven't even tried to pornounce the "b" word).

We went to a movie and then to eat. I was having a tad bit of trouble reading the menu, thinking that I was coming down with Pink Eye or something, Kim M handed me her cute little reader glasses. I chuckled and put them on just for fun and imagine this........ my Pink Eye went away and I could see quite well. Needless to say I stopped by Walgreens on the way home and now have 2 pair of 1.25 "readers".

08/07/08 02:29 PM #41    

Kris Patrick (Mink)

OK Marion. I know we didn't hang out together in high school, but I would think that you could at least get my name right! My name is Kris Patrick Mink, not Kim Patrick.:)
Movie and a dinner was a lot of fun! And I am so glad that I could help you with your "pink eye". We'll have to do it again sometime!
KRIS Patrick Mink :)

08/07/08 08:52 PM #42    

Debbie Bond (Dear)

Hey guys! Does anyone have any ideas for where we could converge (casual) on Saturday night October 11th? I know Virginia Beach a lot better than I do Jackson/Madison now? Hal, is your place big enough to handle all of us if we do adults only??? Since it's my idea, then no one can say you were trying to get more business..why not keep it in the family though? Debbie Bond Dear

08/10/08 12:15 AM #43    

Marion Buchanan (Culver)

Kris, I meant to call you Kris - not Kim!!! At least Kim was with us. That would mean that it's not as bad as it may seem.

08/15/08 11:18 AM #44    

Kathy Plunkett (Mangialardi)

Does anyone have Georgia's address? I have some info for her Mother.

Hope to see everyone at Homecoming!

08/22/08 09:22 AM #45    

Marion Buchanan (Culver)

I have wanted her number and address. Forgot to get it from her when I saw her. She is a phantom! I called Alice, she did not have it either. Oh well.
See you at Back to School!

09/15/08 10:19 PM #46    

Debbie Bond (Dear)

Hey! Where is everybody? Are we ready for October? What are we doing on Saturday night? I am trying to decide on coming down for would mean quite a road trip for my clan.... What's the latest? Debbie Bond Dear

09/20/08 02:31 PM #47    

David Russell

Hi Debbie,

I think whatever gathering that may happen aside from what Prep is organizing for that Friday night, will be informal get-togethers. We only had 25 people who expressed an interest in doing something. I'll probably send out a group email within the next few days to announce Friday night's activities and see if anyone wants to take the lead on organizing something.

10/06/08 04:26 PM #48    

Debbie Bond (Dear)

Hey Class of 78....... who all is going Friday night to the game and pre-dinner? Is anyone interested in an informal get together Saturday night? I have no idea what is a cool place we could have something at since I have been away so long..... Any ideas? My cell is 757-477-3580 and I am leaving to drive down on Wed. afternoon if anyone wants to touch base....This summer was so awesome to see so many ole friends...I am just so looking forward to this culmination of our 30th! Debbie BD

10/17/08 04:31 PM #49    

Debbie Bond (Dear)

My gang enjoyed the football game and seeing those of you who came! Bobby Dye did a fantastic job getting our benches for our classmates and getting as many of our football players there that he did! One of my girls took video and I took pictures! We went back on Saturday and joined the '88 class on a tour of Prep since I hardly ever get back there! I am glad we had such a great turnout this summer and then this little event was the icing on the cake! I am so glad that I got to see those of you who were there! The football boys were all so precious! It was also very special to get to talk to Leslie Joyner Bobo and Lee's wife, Cathy (Thank you Lisa Robinson!). I recognized his little boy as he passed me which was pretty emotional too. Prep was better than ever for sure! I hope that everyone will keep up with the updates and chats on this is short and David is right, we are so fortunate to have each other. I sent David some video from our Sr year that he will try to get on the site for you to enjoy! Class of '78 RULES!!!!! :-) Love, Debbie Bond Dear

10/27/08 10:49 AM #50    

Debbie Bond (Dear)

Hi everyone I am writing to let you know that unfortunately Lisa Morelli Armstrong's sweet and funny dad, Ralph passed away the other day. My parents, Lindsey and I went up for the funeral to be with Lisa and her mom and sisters. It was a lovely service. Lisa spoke at the service and having known Dad Morelli for 39 years, I know how very proud he is of his girls! Hope all is well with everyone. Love, Debbie B Dear

12/11/08 09:27 AM #51    

Melinda Pace

Hi Guys How yu during?( little Ediie Murphy humor there)
I am fine. Cancer free for two years now, thanks to Dr. QU, and DR.Phillip Ley,two wonderful doctors thank you Debbie for your sweet message my computer busted. this is an older modle like me turned 49 Dec. 6. Going too the EAGLES in New Orleans for my birthday. Jan 23 Can't wait, Joe Walsh . Don Henly, Glen Fry, and Timothy B. Schmite Will be in VIP section. Your never too old old old too rock and roll oll oll. as Jetho Tull says. I'll let yall know how it was.

01/24/09 07:29 PM #52    

Melinda Pace

The EAGLES were "just too busy being fablous" back stage passes didn't hurt either. It was fantastic, Joe Walsh is hillarious!! He didn't wear his pajamas this trip though. I was great guys!!!! Miss ya!!!!

05/11/10 02:36 PM #53    

Debbie Bond (Dear)

32 years ago, we were finishing up our Senior Year! It is hard to believe it!

09/10/16 02:38 PM #54    

Scott Edson

Just turned 56 today and wondering "how did that happen?"  Thinking we may make it to Jackson for the 40th.

05/23/18 10:51 AM #55    

Desmond Mounger (Mounger)

Kudos to Marilyn Trainor Storey for organizing our 40th. Everything she gets involved with ends up being first-class affairs and this event promises to be the same. I can't wait to see everyone and I hope anyone "on the fence" about attending will join us for a really fun evening!

Gray Mounger
Los Angeles, CA

05/02/21 06:00 PM #56    

Bobby Dye

Rodney Ayles passed away today. May 2, 2021. No details on cause or plans. Another good man and classmate lost. 

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