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Allen Baldwin

Allen Baldwin
Address Adrian, OR
Where else have you lived? Alameda
San Diego - CA
Millington - TN
Beaufort - SC
Kaneohe - Hawaii
K Falls - OR
Albuquerqe - NM
Adrian - OR
Occupation: Past & Present? Helicopter mech., welder, truck mech., trailer mec
Children? Name, age & where do they live? Brianne Davis - 23, Cecil Baldwin - 22, Danielle Baldwin - 21, Fitzallen Baldwin - 12
Grandchild More…- Tim Davis - 2 years
Travel: served  
Attending Reunion


High or low moments of you life since high school:

High moments - Discharge from service, getting married & the birth of my kids.
Low moments - Divorce, medical problems & death of my daughter Danielle.
