High School Pics

Cheerleading squad Oct. 1988

JV/Varsity Football Team

Senior Boys at Homecoming

Winston, Lance, Brian, Bobby, Bennie, Anthony, Steve, Tommy,  Jose, Otto, Tommy, Jeff, Jesse 

Lisa, Liz & Ranee out for a spin prom weekend.

State Basketball Game in Emporia, Kansas.

After the game

JV/Varsity Basketball Team


Lechelle, Sherita, Kenya, Julie, Sherry at Graduation.


Ronald, Sherita & Julie at Graduation 


Dewanna, Julie, Lechelle, Sherita & Kenya  

Sherita, Kenya & Julie


Sherita & Dawayne at Graduation & Tony S. in football gear.

 "The young nobles before their night of revelry, 1989."

Liz, Sandra, Christine & Rachel Grad night

Sonia, Liz & Christine


Senior Skip day Spring 1989



Senior Prom  Photo Shoot
