July 17 Volcanoes

Join us for a fun evening at Volcanoes Stadium on Saturday, July 17th!  We have reserved a block of seats and tickets for a pre-game all-you-can-eat barbeque.  Plus, they will announce our group during the game.  There is a play area at the stadium for kids and a batting cage as well. It will be a fun family evening, plus we are supporting a Keizer team and business!

The gates open at 5:35 on Saturday the 17th.  The all-you-can eat barbeque begins at 6:05 p.m. and continues for one hour - up until game time!  During the BBQ, beer and pop will be available for $1.00.

Also, our classmate, Dave Smith will be throwing out the first pitch at the game!  YEAH DAVE!  GO BEAVS, er I mean CELTS!  

Tickets for the game are $9.00 per person (all ages).  Tickets for the all-you-can-eat barbeque are $9.50 per person (all ages), sadly can no longer be purchased.

Tickets for the game can be purchased via the TWO PayPal buttons below - DEADLINE IS NOON WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th.

****If you want tickets , please make sure you have used the "add to cart" button for the game tickets.

Like my pitch?  Let's play ball (or at least go watch;).

VOLCANOES GAME TICKETS: $9.00 per person




For more information on the Keizer Volcanoes - http://www.volcanoesbaseball.com/index.htm