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04/09/10 02:46 AM #1    

Dollyzai @ Myra Awang Sham

Welcome to the Sekolah Menengah Sains Sabah (Smesh) A K A Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Sabah High School Class Of 1994 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

04/23/10 01:28 AM #2    

Ani Surianty Goldah

Lucu Gila bila tingu gbr urg sebelum dan selepas.. ada yang masih maintain, ada yg berisi, ada yg hitam, ada yang lugus... ahahahahah   lucu eh

Congrates Doll for the effort given, We really appreciate that


04/26/10 12:05 AM #3    

Asmizah Ismail

 I pun dah tengok Dulu & Sekarang....For some of them, kalau i jumpa tengah jalan pun i tak kenal...banyak perubahan kan...not just physical....prinsip hidup pun boleh nampak berubah. Anyhow....KUDOS to you Dolly. This is definitely an extraordinary effort you put into. 

04/28/10 01:25 PM #4    

Dollyzai @ Myra Awang Sham

Thanks Ani & Asmizah,

I'm trying to reunite us all, as many as possible for our upcoming reunion!! I've seen other colleges/unis reunion through the website, and it was really awesome!!Touching but HAPPY!!

Now, I'm trying to come out with great door gift/souvenirs for those coming to the reunion, tote bag (refer yahoo for images) will be one I've in mind, with our school logo printed on it!!Hope they'll like it!


05/01/10 02:53 AM #5    

Abu Lokmanulhakim Abu Bakar

awesome website dolly..  we support u..

05/07/10 12:39 AM #6    

Asrinah Asral

 Kudos to u babe! Aku support kau all the way...awesome!

Count me in for the big day! Insyaallah aku dtg..



05/09/10 10:48 PM #7    

Asmizah Ismail

 WOW....this is definitely how about the cost for all the gifts and everything else? never mention the cost for all of this. Please share some info regarding funding for these reunion...Thanks

05/11/10 03:54 PM #8    

Ismail Awang

This website so meaningful to us! Terkenang Semasa Duuluuuuuu...

Xtraordinary efforts Dol!

I Support U..



05/12/10 05:49 AM #9    

Mohd Shahrul Abd Wahab

Thanks and congratulations on an outstanding effort for this website and the oncoming reunion.. Hopefully we'll be able to reconnect with all class / schoolmates which have been separated by time and place all this while..

Keep up the excellence, Dolly.. (",)

05/17/10 03:00 AM #10    

Zulizunita Hassan

very very very good effort Doll...two thumbs up!!.....nyway Doll...bagus jugak ada website ni..dpt yg nda lama jumpa dpt tengok muka kawan2 terkini...lagi2 aku ni yang jauh di Sarawak ni....i'm happy dpt tengok geng2 yg dulu...ramai dh jadi mak bapak org kannnn......n bila tengok gamba, i really miss that moment...

06/27/10 02:19 AM #11    

Constantine Suibol

uih....lawa lah website ni.........10/10 lah ku bagi mu doll...........hehehehehe

kalu len kali kamurang trjumpa ku d mana2....mohon ampun ya kalo x ditegur......byk yg sudah berubah lah wajah2 kamurang kekekeke.........anyway.....keep up da wonderfull effort DOLL............

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