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•   Bruce Brown  5/17
•   Brian Stevenson  2/25
•   Ken McMurray  10/28
•   Craig Kline  7/8
•   Jed Harrison  6/30
•   Joan Van Dyck (Morey)  6/29
•   Denise Piedalue (Hayman)  6/28
•   Mike O'Grattan  6/28
•   Patricia Rogers (Bynum)  5/21
•   Mike Howard  10/31
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Little Walter and the Spacedusters are playing at LC
Country Club on Friday, August 11 from 6 to 9 pm.
This band features Dan Gaston and Riner Scivally and
we play blues, rock and pop. Come on by!

Walking down memory lane, I have posted a few images from our 1966 through 1969 Omega yearbooks, including some autographs from my books, on my profile page. Not being a very popular guy at LCHS, I have just a few autographs, but I bet many of you have tons of these in your own yearbooks! Ahh, those were the days, huh? What a memory trip!

Great reunion! Many, many thanks to Kathie Brodie, Robin Price and everyone else who participated in the planning and preparation. You did a great job and we are all very grateful! Enthusiastic thanks as well to Bob Grossman and Traci Locke for hosting the great Friday night gathering!


We are asking payment for Friday and Saturday evening events be received by September 1 to meet our catering and venue requests. Los Gringos has multiple events Friday and they need an accurate headcount at least four weeks ahead to assure there is enough food and staff for the event. The Westin is catering a wedding Saturday night and have requested a final head count with food choices by our deadline. 

Dinner October 11 at Bob Grossman’s home will be catered by Los Gringos. Wine, beer, and soft drinks are included in the $25 cost. Because of many late but enthusiastic positive responses we may run out of room at Bob’s home. We didn’t anticipate such a big response for Friday’s event. Because space is limited and we want to make sure all classmates are able to attend, this MAY be a classmates-only event. When final attendance numbers are tallied after September 1 we will let everyone know if we are able to open it up to guests.

The Big Event October 12 at The Westin Pasadena ($110 per person)The three-course, sit-down dinner includes wine, beer, and soft drinks; salad, dessert, and your choice of either Lemon Garlic Beurre Blanc Seared Salmon or a vegetarian option, Portobello Mushroom Ravioli. Please list your choice of Salmon or Ravioli on your check with the names of attendees. If you’ve already paid, send Kathie Brodie an email with your meal choices.

No tickets will be sold at the door. We need a headcount by September 1.

Let friends know you’re attending the reunion!

Once you’ve sent in your $$ go to Update Profile on the website to indicate that you will be attending the reunion.

Women’s Luncheon October 12 at 12 noon hosted by Gail Samuelson McGinnis and held at her mom Doris Samuelson's home 5227 Donna Maria Lane in La Cañada. Cost is $10 at the door. Please email your RSVP by October 1 to Gail at


Checks should be written to Robin Price LCHS 1969 and mailed to: 

Kathie Brodie, 16924 SW Theodore Wy  Beaverton OR 97006

Be sure to include your name, guest’s name, and dinner option (Salmon or Ravioli)

Help us out sending your check now! Sooner is better!

Okay fellow Spartans from 1969, you can get some really neat LCHS Spartan clothing at a website I discovered a couple months ago. I'm sure you'll all want to take a look at this - what memories it brings to mind. Now, you can have great clothing with our school's designs on it (and brand new to boot). Check out this link to see it (copy and paste link into your browser if it's not live):

***Gary Altunian Tribute.........
Wow, very very sad to learn of Gary's passing. As I write this (with my husband's blessings) I remember the 5 yrs. that Gary and I "went steady" (remember that phrase?) through our high school days and early college yrs. I remember the places that his red '65 Mustang or in his dad's blue '64 (I think?) T-Bird took us, places such as the many swim-meets at the LC Country Club to watch him dive, Christmas proms, the Junior-Senior prom, school dances, a million movies at the Montrose Theatre, countless trips to the beach, to Disneyland, to Catalina Island, and to the Griffith Park Observatory where Gary dreamed of being an astronomer. I remember the surprise "Sweet-16" party he threw for me (remember Robin S., Patty M., Bob Vennard - you were there!), dinners at each other's houses, dodging the waves at Laguna Niguel, burgers at Bob's Big Boy, sundaes at John Henrys' Ice Cream Parlor in La Crescenta, and on and on and on and on and on......

Gary was a good and kind person and always a gentleman. I was glad to see him once again at our 40th reunion as it gave me the chance to thank him for the great memories he had given me. The last time I saw him was when he joined Patti Sullivan and my husband & I for breakfast the next morning where we all were able to catch up on our lives a little more - Gary carefully never mentioning that he was in remission from cancer. So long Gary, and thanks for the happy memories and for sharing those important years with me - it was a great ride!

I'd like to add that as some of you may not know, Patty Munson's mom, Helen, passed away last year. Patty was my best friend in high school but as a newcomer to Calf. in 1965, I never had the privilege of being one of Helen's students at (was it?) FIS. From what I've heard, Mrs. Munson is fondly remembered and was well-loved by all of her students. I only know that Helen was a sweet & kind lady and I will forever treasure some things that she gave me, in particular one of her infamous 'owl' carvings and a beautiful afghan blanket that she crocheted for me. If you feel so lead, maybe some of you who had Mrs. Munson as a teacher can send Patty Munson Brown a note. :-)

On a final note, my husband Joe & I moved to VIRGINIA about a yr. and a half ago and now live in Lynchburg (south central VA) which is home to Liberty University, the largest Christian college in the United States. We opened a donut shop last June and have been more than blessed with plenty of customers and some great (and humbling) reviews. If any of you are ever in this part of the country, PLEASE stop into "Uncle Joe's Donuts & Things" (you can find us on the internet) to say hello.

Many blessings, Celeste (Giraldi) Brothers

This seems to be an event that has people coming out of the woodwork to attend. Just connecting with this website has put me in touch with friends from elementary school and friends who live nearby in New York. I wish you all a great party and hello to all my old friends. Reading the list of recipients of Rob's email made me incredibly nostalgic, and very sad not to be there. I am surely sorry not to be making the trip, but I trust that you will all party on! Janie Rice Peckenham 

I am so close by I'm sorry I couldn't make it to see everyone. I hope to see you all at the 50th reunion! My memories were of being new to the school my junior year... and how nice everyone was to me at La Canada and how much I loved the drill team...and that group of "Rowdies..!! Please tell those who get to San Dimas or want to meet in La Canada in the future that I'd love to be included! Take care y’all.  Jill Cochrane Litchfield

Thanks for writing! Yep, I've been out here in Carolina since 1981 (though I spent one year at SoCal, to make things confusing). I'd love to come out for the reunion but I have to teach and man the helm over here. I discovered the webpage awhile back but wondered why no one found me in the age of Google. Jerry Griggs

I'm sorry that I can't attend the reunion. Aid Africa is having a board meeting and a big fundraising dinner that same day and I'm very involved volunteering with them. Thanks for the offer though. Have fun at the reunion. It's nice to hear how everyone is doing.  Elizabeth Herndon Lanski

I'll try to go to the reunion, and maybe it will happen! I would love to see you guys, and I am saddened to see that some people have died. Life is too short! (even though I am a bit younger than most of my classmates, we are ALL getting old!)  Jeannette Bulinski

Hi all! Sorry not to be in LA for the big event! I had such a great time at the 10 and 20 year reunions!  It is so great to see how everyone has done so well from the class of 1969! Hope to see ya in the future! Love to everyone!   Peter Neal

Sounds good to me, really wish I could be there! Please tell all hello for me and e-mail me with the details of all the events! Best wishes to all, and if anyone is coming to Texas or Costa Rica please get in touch with me! Hope to be at the next reunion!!  Yvonne Adams McConnell 

Yes, it is a bit hard to articulate, but true... time, distance, and a modicum of nostalgia does have a way of blurring the "groups we hung with" forty years ago into the good feelings, recently felt, of being "a class"; and... just perhaps, a very poignant one at that. 1969 was a turbulent time for so much of the outside world. Back then in La Canada, many of us had, I feel, just a little bit more of a reprieve from the maelstrom of politics, strife, and the adult world that would soon enough carry us along. So, today, whether we were either in "this crowd or that"; jocks or JD's; hip or obtuse, we all had one thing in common... a then quite verdant, lovely enclave of a town to call home. A place where nervousness over going to the Youth House Dance, heart-throbs and heart breaks, inside tears and ribald cheers could, and did, overshadow most outside trauma. And a place where teens on the verge of being "those who would inherit" otherly burdens soon enough, could still run-like-the-wind on an oval track, kiss in the darkness of a traffic-less moonlit curb, and feel an unseen sense of togetherness... a place of a small towns waning years; a little vale of kindred identity.   Rob Nye


Kendel has extended the date to send photos to October 16. She is particularly interested in more baby pictures (think FIS yearbook Candid Camera pages) but photos from high school days are also welcome. Email attachments or if you mail them, send copies. A "guess who the baby is" wall is being compiled and more cute baby pics are needed. Email Kendal ( or mail to Kendel Bear Harding, 27902 Perales, Mission Viejo CA 92692

Planning committe hard at worki