In Memory

James H. Sheen

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09/05/12 10:06 AM #1    

Wendy K. Sucha (Hutt)

Jimmy!  Now Jimmy is a great time!  Such fun hanging out with Jimmy and Sarah.  So sad to loose such wonderful people but will always remember Jimmy and smile.  Peace Jimmy!


09/29/12 03:45 PM #2    

Kathryn M. Steinbrink (Leatherwood)

I miss Jimmy! 

12/01/15 11:26 PM #3    

Christopher J. Berger

Jimmy's had a tough go of it in High School. He grew up in a time when gay kids were more than ostracized or picked on, they were beaten and had their lives threatened. Despite having to live in fear, Jimmy didn't try to hide who he really was. Although we weren't friends outside school, in many of the classes we shared and extra-curricular activities we were involved in together he gave me lots of joy and laughter. Most importantly, he taught me how to be authentic no matter the price. He should have had a chance to live a full life - I know he would have made great contributions to the world and positively impact countless individuals. We need more Jimmy's in our world today.

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