Funny Stuff



--Remember when Ron Carmody out drove Karen Nelson with his putter on whole 5

--Remember when almost ALL the senior girls were in love with Mr. Bottom in the 8th grade

--Remember when Mike Cieslinski and Amy Juntunen went out in the 7th grade

--Remember when Steve walked off stage to talk to the prompter during the performance

--Remember when Ron and Chad broke into Kyle’s house and took everything

--Remember when Kristen, Emmie and Stacy out ran the cops in 10th grade and hid the car in some old guys garage

--Remember when Holly Rajala was the arm wrestling queen

--Remember when Melissa tried to out run the cops coming from Alberta

--Remember when Aaron Butterfield had hair

--Remember when Jamie Freitag came to school on Mondays

--Remember when Chad Brunet didn’t have a leash

--Remember when Jessica hurt her knee and had to wear a brace to prom with her short dress

--Remember when Heather Bishop came to school on time

--Remember when Tara Syrjala came to first hour

--Remember when Melissa had a crush on Brian Stiebe

--Remember when Andrea and Melissa M. were in the 7th grade and hit the senior rush and fell

--Remember when Julie Schultz took a phone call for Mr. DesRochers from Walt Whitman a deceased poet.

--Remember when Beck didn’t cry over everything!?  Not!

--Remember when someone gave Sara fake money and she thought it was real and spent it thinking she was breaking the law

--Remember when Steve Niemela used to sing “I’m every woman” by Witney Houston

--Remember when we won the last F.B. game ever in the dome.  24-22 over Crystal Falls.

--Remember when Scott Kent mooned Sister Jean

--Remember when Karen Nelson backed into her mailbox

--Remember when Kara Sands almost drove into St. Vinnies during drivers ed

--Remember when the band went to St. Louis and our bus driver fell asleep

--Remember when Kara and Chad were “just friends”

--Remember when Jamie and Kara pulled the fire alarm in the basement looking for the light switch

--Remember when Mrs. Hoskins told the class, “look, Ron’s pulling it out of his pants”

--Remember when Karen Nelson used to hide Bacos under her bed for a late night snack

--Remember Mr. Fisher’s flying stapler

--Remember in the 8th grade when Scott ran around w/boogers on his fingers yelling “Boogerman”

--Remember when Matt didn’t lie

--Remember when Bert was on time (NO)

--Remember when Sara and Rebecca took Beck’s car and got caught

--Remember when Jamie ran the 400 and her groin strap looked like toilet paper

--Remember when Kim said “get underneath that car”

--Remember Erin in gym when she got mad and whipped the ball and hit Rebecca in the face

--Remember when Andy missed his chair at the 8th grade band concert and went crashing to the floor before the performance

--Remember when Aaron pulled down Scott’s shorts and a certain teacher saw.  (He wasn’t wearing and underwear that day)

--Remember when Kristen and Stacy were with Jenny at lunch and Stacy almost fell out of the car

--Remember when Jenny and Kristen were with Stacy at lunch and Stacy almost hit the ditch by Grade A

--Remember when the Furniture Mart van hit Kristen, Jenny and Stacy at lunch time in Kristen’s car

--Remember when Angie and Mischa went together in the 7th grade

--Remember when Erin Stein and Greg Jedra went together in the 7th grade

--Remember when Angie and Erin Paulson almost hit the ditch on the way to Angie’s house

--Remember when Mike Karvonen didn’t flirt with the girls

--Remember when Dana rolled his car at the A&W

--Remember when Kristen threw a bowling ball the wrong way

--Remember when Julie S. ate a whole pack of tums after the carnival







AMY ALLEN is now known as Reverend Allen as she took over the James Baker mansion and can now be seen on TV 6 Sundays at 10:30


JESSICA BAKER is still running all over from camp to camp meeting people.


MICHELLE BAXTER has rebuilt the Timbers and started a new chain of them


HEATHER BISHOP has been kicked out of proctology school because she was late for too many classes


CHAD BORGEN jointed the “Joey Butafeuco Nudist Colony” which requires you wear nothing but black socks and a peach.


BILL BROGAN became coach of the L’Anse Purple Hornets and tells of the days when real men like himself played the game.


ANDREA BROWN married Adam….but in the wedding ceremony, she wore the tuxedo and he wore the gown.


CHAD BRUNET after 10 years of marriage Chad finally got tired of following Kara around and taking her orders so he runs away with the nanny of their 12 children to become a party animal.


AARON BUTTERFIELD is now selling his own line of shoes as he just got released from jail for polygamy.


RON CARMODY through many long and hard hours of therapy, he finally overcame his nursery school trauma and is now leading a normal life.


MIKE CIESLINSKI started Cybergenics and is now a buff Mr. Universe


GAYLE CLISHE works as President of her own corporation by day while at night she moonlights as Gracious Gayle, The Erotic.


AMANDA COLLINS is still stranded in Sidnaw because she cannot find a ride.


CHRIS COLLINS was put into the state institution after teaching Kindergarden for three years.  He is left with nothing but his memories of Terry and Old Croak.


ED CRIM went into the line of acting and finally landed a lead art as the Jolly Green Giant.

REBECCA DAWSON became a nun and leaves all of society forever


MISCHA DOMAN has taken over the Furniture Mart and has turned it into the L’Anse version of Hooters


DANA FRANCOIS is living as a hermit in the hills of Nisula as he got kicked out of the National Guard


SARA FANCOIS has been married and divorced eight times-all to Dusty


JAMIE FREITAG All the pressures of Western sent her straight to the refrigerator, so as soon as she graduated she opened her dream store—a fat free weight watchers


MELISSA FUNKE as if being president of the U.S. isn’t enough, she has just made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for most car mishaps in one year.


NIKKI GAUTHIER will be cruising the streets in her Rolls Royce after obtaining ownership and embezzling millions of dollars from the Ojibwa Casino.


CHRISTY GRENTZ has dyed her hair red, married a shoe salesman and has two children.


GORDEN GRENTZ is still roaming around the woods in Nisula looking for his trophy buck


WEYLIN HAATAJA is touring the world as “weylisies” the great prophet.


EMMIE HEIKKILA is still in Covington working at the Rest Home still complaining about everything.


JEAN HOLMA is still working at the Covington Rest Home, married to Bob and is raising three kids


JULIE HOOVER finds out that she is the main heir to the Hoover vacuum estate after all the uses the money to turn Nisula into a prospering city.


KYLE HULKONEN after being denied a job of Atlanta Braves announcer, he accepts the position of Minnesota Twins announcer and, as strange as it may seem, becomes their biggest fan.


AMY JUNTNEN after Rosie Perez’s death, she takes over her job and Woody harreisons love in White Men Can’t Jump Part II


MIKE KARVONEN is still making a living at Fraki’s and waiting for his National Guard check.


KEVIN KEMPPAINEN finally gets a full time position with Zoli and takes over the business


RANDY KRAFT becomes a shoe salesman and married a red head and had 2 children


SCOTT KENT is still trying to par the L’Anse Golf Course after watching 3,001 golf videos


LLOYD KUNICK moved on to an art career and designs Jeff Turpeinen’s new line of cars, after being turned down munchkin job from the wizard of oz.


NICKY LEPPALA has invested in a large farm in Minnesota and is raising cows.  She’s still flirting with every man that crosses her path.


TINA LINDGREN has now become the president of the Credit Union and even though she has been promoted she still cleans it every night to make sure it is spotless.


KIM MAKI unable to tear herself away from her home town she works as assistant manager for Min’s chain of restaurants.


MELISSA MARINICH after living in Chicago, Melissa decides L’Anse was the place for her and resides above Swede’s since she’s still making subs across the street.


MIKE MULLINS is still soaking of off Marie


JOHN NELSON moved to Chicago to air brush t-shirts at Great America after realizing he’ll never find a car that will run long enough.


KAREN NELSON just one year after graduation, Karen took over Dr. Nahri’s position as principal and disciplinarian with absolutely no experience.  The school board figured since big mama was already the main authority around her, she might as well run the school.


STEVE NIEMELA became a mad scientist with his one goal being to perfect the formula for his fathers recipe of Nemo-Glue


KELLY ORCHARD will be married to Phil Soli and they will be living in Hawaii where they own a computer store.


KEVIN PARKILA starts a Trig Cult in Waco, TX where he write the rules of math.


ERIN PAULSON is living in Mass with Dale with two kids and one on the way


KERI PERROS married Mark Mettner and they have now been fused at the hip because they can’t stand to be away from each other.  The only drawback is they are now unable to have children.


MATT PYHTILA discovers his hidden passion for acting and is cast as Pinocchio in “Pinocchio fibs once more”


HOLLY RAJALA becomes speaker of the House and now nobody can shut her up


PETE RICHARDSON became the new host for Discovering


STACY RISKU got married to Jalmer, the new Green Bay Packer quarterback and is in her fifth pregnancy.


ANGIE ROBERTS marries Mike Mayo after giving birth to quintuplets


KARA SANDS after a lifetime of new albinism, scientists finally discover a skin pigment transplant and use her as a guinea pig…the experiment failed she turned purple


JULIE SCHULTZ became a millionaire in Wyoming raising other people’s kids


KRISTY SEPPANEN after attending the University of Paris on a $10,000 art scholarship, she meets and marries Jean de Villie and returns to L’Anse to take over Mrs. Jacobsons job.


JENNIFER SMITH lives in Marquette where she now owns the Alibi so she doesn’t have to sneak in anymore


ERIN STEIN gets a job at Subway and for some unknown reason gets a $5 an hour raise and full benefits


HEIDI SULLIVAN after purchasing 3 football cards from kyle and Scott, she realizes one of them was worth $30,000… bad guys


FRANK SUPANICH decides Karen’s even better than he thought and is chasing her all over.


JASON SWANSON moved to Hollywood and has recently taken Richard Dean Anderson’s part as MacGyver.


TARA SYRJALA has started the L’Anse Party Tour Association.  She gives people tours of L’Anse and points them in the directions of the nearest party.


KRISTEN TIKKANEN after living in Green Bay, Kristen decides to move back to L’anse to become a mangager at Subway, while still trying to learn how to drive Timmy’s truck.


JEFF TURPEINEN invents a car that bounces back crash after crash after totaling his ninth.


ROGER VOAKES is still working at Fraki’s where he is slowly working his way to the top he is now assistant manager.






I, Michelle Baxter, hear by will nothing because I have nothing to will


I, Amanda Collins, being of sound mind and body, will to Carmen the abilities to be patient, trusting, and happy.  And to my friends I will my lasting friendship.


I, Steve Niemela, of messy hair and forgetfull mind will my Michigan hat to all the underclassman with messy hair so they can concentrate on more important things.


I, Kyle Hulkonen, will my knowledge of singing country songs to Tim Janda, with these tunes may his collection be complete.


I, Heidi Sullivan, will my ability to be quite and keep my mouth shut to my sister, Heather, who can be a little too loud and opinionated at times.


I, Gayle Clishe, being of cluttered mind and exhausted body, will my ability to stay incredibly busy to Teri Kemppainen, and the ability to wake up on time to my brother.


I, Andy James Bertagnoli, of massive body and enlightened mind will my wit, charm and all the other features that make me such a ladies man to Ted Bier.


I, Kristy Seppanen, of stressed mind and tired body will my study habits to my sister, Julie, who goes to bed at 10:00pm regardless of the circumstances.


I, Matt Pyhtila, being of perveted mind and couch potato body will my last remaining brain cells to my sister Joy, so the void in her head can be filled.


I, Amy Allen, being of sound body and mind, will to Becky Zeller my curls, and also my ability to monopolize the car and spend mom and dad’s money to my brother Aaron.


I, Christopher Sean Patrick Collins, will my sick, perveted, and disgusting mind to all those who need one.


I, Bill Brogan, of clean mind, excellent health, and of strong build will my ability to play fullback to Craig Brunet.


I, Erin Paulson, will my ability to Becky Salbashian to keep her moth shut.


I, Ed Crim, will my foot of towering height to Mike Pennock


I, Holly Rajala, will my ability to spend my parents money to my brother Chad.


I, Chad Borgen, will my ability to play guitar to Bela Lanzy maybe he can see there’s life after Kirk Hammet of Metallica.


I, Rebecca Dawson, being of intellectual mind and superb body, will my ability to stay awake through an entire episode of Saturday Night Live to Sara Pasquali and also a few inches off my height.


I, Kim Maki, of sound mind and large heart, hearby will my hard-earned collection of thumbtacks to Trudy Peterson, who so “kindly” have her last one to Mr. Owen.


I, Erin Marie Stein, will my comb and brush to Lisa Nurmi, so she can comb her hair after she washes it.


I, Angie Roberts, will my ability to Angie Schultz, to gain weight and still look great.


I, Amy Juntunen, of extraordinary mind and soul will my excellent ability to walk the halls with my head held hit and my “I don’t give a darn attitude” to Amber Leinonen.


I, Kelly Orchard, of sound mind and body will my ability to argue with my dad to my brother Mike and my long blonde hair to Jamie Lehto.


I, Jessica Baker, being of demented and screwed up knee, leave my gracefulness (NOT) and my brains to my little brother, Jeremy and I leave Trudi Presslein my first chair in band, good luck with the 16th note runs.


I, Kevin Parkila, being of scattered mind and funky ties leave to Mr. Smith one dedicated student, so he’ll stop whining.


I, Roger Voakes, being of never mind and out of body will David Hanshaw the ability to pack groceries and sleep in the backroom.


I, Karen Nelson, being of harsh voice and commanding nature leave my ability to get everyone’s attention at an assembly to Mrs. Jacobson and my authority over the school to all the teachers that don’t have any.


I, Heather Bishop, being of stable body, and sound mind will my ability to make a decision and still feel the same way 2 minutes later to Joy Pyhtila.


I, Keri Perrow, being of sound mind and body, will my ability to stay with one guy to Laura LaBeau and my ability to annoy David Jentoft in band to Alison Janson.


I, Randy Allen Kraft, being of perverted mind and godly body will my ability to fondle my privates anywhere I darn well please to my younger freshman pal Craig Brunet.


I, Julie Hoover, being of ditzy mind and small body will my chair and piccolo to Cathy Carmondy, my unexplainable shyness for talking during calculus test to Michelle Lahnala and my cheerfulness to Becky Salbashian.


I, Jamie Freitag, being of small chest and tired mind, will my ability to be proud of my flatness to the poor girls of this school who have even less than me.


I, Kara Sands, being of big mouth and strong lungs will my ability to scream and shout to the other Kara in this school.

I, John Nelson, will my ability to get something done when I said I would do it to Jeff Turpeinen and my ability to drive to Kevin Heikkila.


I, Aaron Butterfield, will my athletic ability to Mike Nordstrom.


I, Melissa Marinich, being of sound mind and body will my ability to tell people off to Julie Nordstrom, and my shoes to Jamie Hanner, and my clothes to my brother Brad.


I, Jason Swanson, will my life to Amber.


I, Dana Francois, of warped mind and gangly body will the ability to graduate, and get out of this crappy school to all of the juniors.


I, Michael Karvonen, of weak mind and solid body will my ability to ditch school at any given moment to all the underclassman who are dumb enough to get caught.


I, Jeff Turpeinen, being of short mind and shaggy hair will nothing to no one for I have nothing to give.


I, Jean Holma, being of crazy mind and short body will my ability to say what I think to Michelle Lahnala.


I, Scott Kent, will my elite golfing skills to Jamie Hanner,


I, Nicky Leppala, of sound mind and body will my ability to figure out men to Lisa Nurmi.


I, Julie Schultz, being of sound mind and flat chest will my ability not to complain about my chest being SO LARGE to my sister Angie, and my ability to smile at anyone I see to Mindy Lantz who always has a crabby looking face.


I, Gordon Grentz, of able body and sound mind will my ability to pass my classes to Chuck Pirkola so that someday he may also graduate.


I, Lloyd Kunick, will nothing because I have nothing to will.


I, Kristen Tikkanen, of distored mind and out of shape body will my ability to be quite to Kelly Erickson.


I, Stacy Lynn Risku, will my 4’11 height to Sara Pasquali.


I, Mischa Doman, being of burnt out mind and immaculate body, will my ability to run an 800 without sprinting the first lap and walking the second to Ted Bier who with my ability may even place.


I, Andrea Brown, will my ability to wear comfortable over sized clothes to Carolyn Hansen.


I, Chad Brunet, being of patient mouth and mellow personality will my ability to talk calmly to the basketball coach to Bret Cote.


I, Jennifer Smith, being of small mind and short body will my ability to sneak out of art class and not get caught to Matt Richardson.  I will my driving ability to Becky Salbashian since she can’t stay out of ditches.


I, Ron Carmody, will to anyone brave enough to accept the ability to slack off to Mr. Smith


I, Mike Cieslinski, being of totally fictitious mind and unique physique, will my awesome and unwanted grocery bagging ability to all present and future IGA employees and my pipes to Duke Seavoy.


I, Nicole Gauthier, being of no sound and a lot of body will my ability to get out of class to all the underclassman as you will get sick of the same teachers every day.


I, James P. Richardson, of extremely sound body and mind, will my great strength and good looks to Matt Richardson and Mike Nordstrom.


I, Tara Syrjala, will my ability to think to my sister Melanie.


I, Melissa Funke, being sometimes of sound and mind will my ability to stay out of the psych ward to Bradley Hutula.  (You’ll need it)


I, Tina Lindgren, will my hair twirling ability to Shannon Anderson


I, Emmie Heikkila, being of sound mind and body will my ability to BITCH to anyone who doesn’t.





Class Trip Remember When……

--Remember when Stacy stopped the St. Peters boys in the hallway to ask for money to get by

--Remember when Mrs. Hoskins said “listen, I’m thinking”

--Remember when Stacy, Emmie, Tina, Christy, and Erin went to the top deck at the game

--Remember the guys at the baseball game

--“And then there’s Ed”

--“Isn’t that a great lighthouse, Nicky”

--Lloyd K. broke the kiddie ride at the mall

--Remember when Randy’s nose didn’t bleed

--Remember when our T.V friends Mikey and Buddy

--Remember Waylisies speech on top of the Aquarium

--Remember Bert’s first chew

--Remember when “Bert” was the only guy to get hit on

--Remember when the Eagle got stuck and after the ride was over Randy was stuck in his seat

--Remember when we were all broke on the way home and “Ma Nelson” had to buy her kids supper

--Remember when Aaron wasn’t gullible?  Just think of what that $50 could of bought; well, at least he’s supporting the homeless

--Remember when we were an hour late one morning?  (no names to be mentioned)

--Remember Randy’s “Steel Wool”

--Remember when we got blamed for everything and did nothing

--Remember when Mrs. Hoskins said “listen, I’m walking” in the parking lot of the Old Kitchen Buffet

--Remember when Jean and Emmie went swimming in the pool with all their clothes on

--Remember when Stacy hit the waiter on the butt with her napkins at Dick’s

--Remember when Stacy, Kristen, Mischa, Emmie and Jean broke the elevator

--Remember Randy the Millionaire

--Remember the machines in the bathrooms at Dicks

--Remember when Kara lost her bikini top when they were playing chicken in the pool

--Remember when Melissa, Jenny, and Stacy were talking to a bum in the hotel lobby

--Remember when Aaron, Chad Brunet and Bert gave out their phone numbers to some girls at Great America and Kara got mad

--Remember mooing

--Remember when Aaron tried to get a beer at the baseball game and was told to come back in 5 years

--Remember singing nursery rhymes on the bus

--Remember when Jenny had to check the sailor’s room

--Remember the crabby guy at the end of the hall

--Remember the gay guys in the yellow car

--Remember when Cindy showed Father Thorn what a B.J. was at 12:30

--Remember the jewelry salesmen in the motel

--Remember the drug deal at the end of our hallway