Reunion Committee

 Diane Field Nowick and Jeri Burnett Haber



Left to Right:  Diane Field Nowicki, Marilyn Kell Sample, Barbara Landells Gietzel and (me with the bad hair day)  Mary DiFiore Pulford


Left to Right:  Karol Converse Lynch, Karon Converse Pierson, Ray Chase and Ray's wife, JoAnn Chase

Left to Right:  Marilyn Kell Sample, Judy Hawkins Bullock, Diane Field Nowicki and Karen Converse Pierson 



  Reunion Committee Members

(Converse) Karol  Lynch - Co-Chair 

 (DiFiore) Mary Pulford - Co-Chair

(Burnett) Jeri  Haber

 Chase, Ray & JoAnn

(Converse) Karen Pierson

(Karkau) Ferne Preston

(Kell) Marilyn Sample

(Landells) Barbara Gietzel

Lynch, Lance