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•   James Gladney (Gladney)  4/18
•   Rosemary Bogel (Liebich)  6/18
•   Lynn Brown (Berman)  1/5
•   Ken Frost  12/16
•   Jim Kleiser  9/17
•   Dorothy Dreyfus (Brandon)  9/16
•   Joe Ramos  2/10
•   Helle Jacobsen  1/9
•   Nikki Baglietto (Pearce)  4/30
•   Sharon Boyer  1/5
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
5 live in Arizona
181 live in California
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
2 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Kansas
2 live in Maine
1 lives in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
6 live in Nevada
3 live in New York
2 live in North Carolina
1 lives in North Dakota
1 lives in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
14 live in Oregon
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in Tennessee
5 live in Texas
3 live in Utah
1 lives in Virginia
12 live in Washington
1 lives in Alberta
1 lives in Brazil
1 lives in Denmark
1 lives in Mexico
45 location unknown



Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION:  This Website Expiring in March 2018

With the New Year comes change.  The time has come to let this "Redwood '62" website end.  

But fear not!  The Official Redwood Alumni website: which runs on the same Class Creator software, is available for everyone to transition to now.  The site is administered by the Alumni Association, and its usage is free to you...same look and function, but even more useful because the membership includes all classes from 1959 forward.  Our Class of '62 database was added there in 2014 and some of us have already joined it.  Please take a minute to do so's very straightforward.  Here's how:

First, use  your internet browser to access the website's Home Page:

Click on the JOIN button in the upper right corner

Fill in the email box (use your email address that we had for you as of 2014), then a password of your choosing, then Enter.  If you use a different email address presently, you can change it in your Profile once youve joined. You'll see the familiar Profile and page layout with familiar tabs and Member Functions in the red and black lefthand column, all as had been as before on our current "Redwood '62" website.

I hope you will find this to be a trouble-free transition, but if you encounter problems please contact me.  I will be working with Marilee Ellis Rogers who coordinates the Alumni Association website management.

Good luck, and may 2018 be a wonderful year for you and yours.  Nancy

Class of '62 50th Reunion Party:  Saturday October 6, 2012

Photos taken by David Calderon now in "Nostalgia Gallery"


Website retiring Mar 2018 and will no longer be maintained.

Go to the official Redwood High Alumni website... continue enjoying communication with Class of 1962 classmates