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Do you think the class should have yearly, informal mini-reunions?

  Yes, a night out for dinner and/or drinks with old friends would be cool.
  Seeing the gang once every 5 or 10 years is enough for me.
  I didn't like you in high school and I don't like you now. Stop bothering me.
  OK, I didn't mean that. Look, it would be nice to see you again. Just not so soon.


•   Dennis Garcia (Garcia)  6/24
•   Jason Gold  6/12
•   Monica Rodriguez (Baca)  5/21
•   Rodina Quintana  1/19
•   Michelle Gonzales  9/12
•   Preston Garza  9/4
•   Lorrie Ann Le Doux (Leyba)  8/25
•   Donald Garcia  4/7
•   Sylvia Castillo (Najera)  11/24
•   Yvette Martinez (Gallegos)  11/4
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Arizona
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Illinois
2 live in Kansas
1 lives in Nevada
71 live in New Mexico
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Mexico
44 location unknown
5 are deceased


•   Sylvia Castillo (Najera)  9/19
•   Roger Salinas  10/8
•   Nancy Fernandez (Jeffrey)  10/14


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Continue to dig
through your shoe boxes

It’s been great to see all of the photos from high school and earlier. Yes, it’s a lot of work to find old photos, scan them, and post them. But they sure have been fun to view. If you have photos from events (sports activities, senior trip, MESA trip, or any other "trips" you may have experienced) please consider placing them on this site.


Welcome to the West Las Vegas High School Class Of 1988 web site. This site is absolutely free for you to use—but you do have to register. We've created this site not only to keep you informed about class events but so that everyone who wants to can add their own messages and photos so that we can all keep in touch.

On another note: We all know people who were part of our class but for whatever reason did not finish with us. It would be great to reconnect with these classmates, too. So, if you know someone who, at some point, was a member of the WLV Class of ’88 and want to invite them to be a part of our class site and activities, send Andrew that person’s name (and contact info if you have it) and it will be placed on the list.

No classmate left behind
There are still many classmates that are unaware of our web site. If you know of someone who hasn't registered here, please tell them about the site. It's the fastest and easiest way to communicate with a majority of our classmates. We know there are still a few that don’t have regular access to a computer. For those people, please send in their mailing addresses and phone numbers so we'll be able to contact them with updates on classmates and activities. Also, if you change your e-mail or home address or phone number, please go to your profile and list the changes. This will be helpful in planning future events.
