In Memory

Arthur Dominguez

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05/25/08 10:52 AM #1    

Louella Gonzales

Arthur "Tudy" Dominguez

I grew up with Tudy and have many memories stashed in my head. He was so quiet and so intelligent. We spent many days playing in my grandfather's corn field. He was quite funny actually. Tudy was a sugar freak. He always had candy in all forms in his pockets. He was very close to his sister Margarita.

Tudy was very smart in school and had plans to attend college. Many people don't know this but Tudy received an academic scholarship to attend college. He had so many plans and unfortunately his father did not allow him to attend college. His father insisted he work "the fields" in Portales. His family would move to Portales for the summers and they all worked "the fields".

Tragically, a farming accident took his very young life a couple of years after graduation. I think of him often and always wonder what would've been if he had attended college. He was very intelligent and I know he had so much potential.

Roger and I attended his funeral and that day was one of the saddest days of my life.

I just wanted to let everyone know what a kind and intelligent person Tudy was. Rest in peace my friend and until we meet again.

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