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04/02/09 08:13 AM #51    

Steve Malakasiotis

Ha , ha , and HA ...for being the whipping boy..and YUP Trace , I love being whipped ...

Pete, we're having JD shots ; Effi, you're there too; Tracy will be supporting my head by THAT time .

04/02/09 05:59 PM #52    

Mario Polychronas

Vlassie has entered Canadian territory as of last night :-)

04/05/09 02:26 AM #53    

Haroula Karakatsanis

I just got home and the first thing I did was let out a big sigh of relief as soon as the boots came off... Definitely not used to heels anymore. After a light foot massage, I could not sleep.. still hyped about the reunion. I had to get on and say you guys did an AMAZING job. Really CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Everything was top notch. Absolutely not one complaint. You all gave us an opportunity to go back in time and even re connect with so many lost and old friends. A priceless gift... Thank you so very much!!!

04/05/09 12:00 PM #54    

Tracy Kim Friedman

Thank you all !! Last night was one of the best nights I'v ever had. Everbody looks amazing and it was one of those nights that you never wanted to end. To my fellow committe members, I would do it all over again with you all !!

04/05/09 03:45 PM #55    

Michelle Lallouz

Thank-you to all the organizers. It was a fabulous evening. So great to see old friends again. Everyone looked great! Thanks again, mission accomplished!

04/05/09 03:52 PM #56    

Astrina Rassias

I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new. Those truly linked don't need correspondence. When they meet again after many years apart, Their friendship is as true as ever. Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive and one we will remember forever. Thank you all for last night it was truly a magical evening. You all warmed my heart! :) May you be happy and safe until we meet again. :)

04/05/09 05:35 PM #57    

Vince Scime

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to the organizing commitee, for an excellent night, your hard work paid off, it was a great and beautiful evening, seeing old high school and also elementary friends all gathered in one place, everything was great, once again THANK YOU all!!

04/05/09 10:04 PM #58    

Michael Wollman

Astrina, I would like to thank yourself and the rest of the committee for the wonderful night yesterday. There was definately a positive karma in the air. I almost felt like a teenager again. I hope we can meet again soon.

04/05/09 10:44 PM #59    

Marilyn Levine

Paul and I just arrived back in Toronto... We both had a wonderful time taking that walk down memory lane with all of you. Last evening very much felt like 'Coming Home'! We will definitely cherish all the new memories that were made, they will most certainly last a life time.
Thank you once again to Astrina and everyone who worked diligently to make last evening a great success.
Till we meet again in the future... All the best to the Class of 1984.

04/05/09 11:28 PM #60    

Marlene Marks

Last night is a memory we'll all keep close to our hearts. Hat's off to all who brought this event together. Everything was just great. A great blast from the past. And then there's Mastercard, Sorry Reunions Priceless.

04/06/09 12:02 AM #61    

Tom Bicos

Last night we were one big family. Their were people I never spoke to while attending CPHS, and yet last night everyone was my friend. Looking at people's name tag photos brought back memories that I could never forget. It was just awesome to be able to go back and see some old friends and share some ever lasting moments together. Thank you all for that special night.

04/06/09 09:03 AM #62    

Stella Tsingelis

I would like to say thank you to all classmates that were able to attend, without you the evening would have not been the success that it was. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every committee member for their contribution in what made the walk-through and this reunion a memorable for all.

I do have one last request, should you hear or see any other classmates that have yet to log onto this web-site, please encourage them to do so, as this is the only link to keep CPHS, Class of 1984 alive and strong. It took us 25 years to come together, let us not take another 25 before we do this again.

04/06/09 09:58 AM #63    

Maria Kastanis (Grbac)

Thank you to all the organizers for a great evening!

04/06/09 10:40 AM #64    

Nick Pyliotis

An amazing evening - surpassed all expectations ! Had a great time, hats off to the organizing committee !!

04/06/09 02:43 PM #65    

Jeanine Goldstein (Mintzberg)

Thanks so much for putting this remarkable reunion together! I had a wonderful time seeing so many old friends. Please transmit my thanks and appreciation to everyone involved.
Wishing you all a long and happy life!
Jeanine Goldstein

04/06/09 05:16 PM #66    

Mario Polychronas

Ditto to what Tom Bicos wrote, you took the words right out of my mouth & even put a tear in my eye. Again THANK YOU to everyone involved it was TOTALY AWESOME.

04/06/09 10:04 PM #67    

Effi Batsos

WOW!!! what a night! THANKS a million to everyone who put this all together.It was amazing to see everyone after 25 years but sad to say good- bye, (so sad an hour later I was still there)Those of you there know what I'm talking about.Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk with everyone.Love you all!!!!! Bye for now.

04/07/09 07:35 AM #68    

Styvia Tasci (Kyres)

I wanted to Thank the organizing committee for thier hard work and putting together a wonderful evening. It was great to see everyone again . What a fantastic night!!! I definetely don't want another 25 years to go by til we all see one another again.
Thank you!!Thank you!!!
Love you all!!!xoxo

04/08/09 06:45 AM #69    

Joy Wanner

Yes! Thank you to the entire committee! You have filled this night with so many incredible memories! You are all so awesome and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Love you all...

04/08/09 10:53 AM #70    

Kosta Sarantopoulos

WOW!I still can't forget what an amazing night it was i'm enjoying all the pictures on facebook from everyone.
Thanks again to everyone involved putting this great night together.

04/09/09 09:41 AM #71    

Dahna Weber

To the entire Reunion Committee,

I haven't stopped talking about the reunion all week. The wine and cheese with our old teachers at the school was really touching. I am certain an enormous effort went into pulling it all together. I am sure I speak for everyone who was there when I say it was incredible and we so appreciate your efforts. I have spoken to a few people who couldn't make and they are really sorry to have missed it.

So nice to see everyone. Hopefully we do it again before we get too fat, old and wrinkly! Thanks so much. Dahna Weber

04/12/09 06:07 PM #72    

Richard Klein


To the organizing committee..... I would like to THANK YOU ALL for doing this. It could not have been easy. It was truly a success !!

My only disappointment for the evening... TOO SHORT !!! so many people to talk to, too little time.

So when's the next one... wink, wink, nudge nudge !!!

04/13/09 02:58 AM #73    

Barsilos Inak

Waited and waited to see everyone and now that wonderful day came and went...

Many thanks and deep appreciation go to all who made the long wait come to an end. During the months and weeks leading to April 4th, many reconnections were made. The Reunion itself was magical and can never be replaced.

The realization of the role each of us played in each others' development during those formative years has been humbling and the bond I feel to each of you will be everlasting.

Please, please don't let anyone submit this to Ms. Fodor or anyone in the English department...LOL

However, my feelings are sincere and in this day and age, there is no reason to lose touch ever again.

I can be found here and on Facebook, and if you're ever in the NY/NJ area, don't be shy. There are a handful of us here from CPHS and we can have our own mini-Reunion.

Thanks again to Astrina and the committee for making such a memorable evening possible.

Until we meet again, you will always be in my thoughts,


04/15/09 04:02 PM #74    

Jimmy Koukoulis

This is for the girls of the class of 84. Looking good. Natural beauty works best and there was an abundance of it that night. In a blink of an eye you were transformed into mature, intelligent, well adjusted and smilling women. The stars were shinning bright on all of you that night. I would not have missed seeing that for anything. Whatever it is that you are doing keep it up! Its working. It would not have been a party without you.

06/26/09 12:21 AM #75    

Astrina Rassias

Have a great summer everyone!!! :)

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