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•   Melissa Sutton (Tarr)  8/6
•   Donnie Sokolowski  6/7
•   Michael Smith  9/4
•   Mark Ariail  6/3
•   Dori Sechrest (Puckett)  2/12
•   Sue Bishop (Sears)  1/13
•   Tresa (Marie) Montgomery (Norris)  1/5
•   Brian Roth (Roth)  1/2
•   Rhonda Hicks (Masters)  10/3
•   Marcy Murphy  9/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in California
1 lives in Colorado
3 live in Florida
45 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Maryland
2 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Tennessee
352 location unknown


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Welcome to the Central Gwinnett High Class Of 1988 web site.




As you all know, we had a registration deadline date of July 7th for our 25th Reunion. We did this because the facility we had reserved required a large deposit on that day and they had a waiting list of people to reserve the space if we couldn't make it.  Unfortunately, we haven't had enough registrations to justify keeping the Community Center so we will be reimbursing everyone who paid ASAP.

A special thanks goes out to the group who worked very hard making all of the arrangements for an amazing event.

Many of us still have that night available and want to see as many people as possible so we thought whoever can make it can meet up that evening for drinks and just to hang out. We will announce the restaurant/bar very soon. Keep the date and time in your calender and we plan on having some fun wherever we are. No need to pay in advance, Just show up and we will celebrate our 25th Reunion- Class of '88 style.