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Craig Anderson has a birthday today.
Sep 10, 2024 at 3:33 AM
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Frank Ireland has left an In Memory comment for Debbie Williams Abbott.
Mar 08, 2018 at 7:33 AM

I am not sure if I am thinking of the same "Debbie Williams." I worked with a lady named Debbie Williams at my very first job (Griff's Burger Bar on 4th and Linn streets).  If this is the same person, I should say that I really enjoyed those days working with her.  I hate to see that she is no longer with us.  FRANK IRELAND

Frank Ireland has left an In Memory comment for Michael Dye.
Mar 08, 2018 at 7:33 AM

Michael was a good friend of mine in high school.  We went to Mr. Vanek's electronics class together, and often went camping with other classmates such as David Evans (my best friend in high school), Chuck Kolb, Jeff Fagan, and Michael Banks. I tried for some time to track down Mike Dye without success, and just found out today (3/8/18) on this website that he is deceased.  A real shame.    FRANK IRELAND



