Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 15
     Profile contains photos: 5
     In Memory: 3
     Military Service: 8
   Restricted to Classmates only

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? Archbold
John Bagley
? Birchard
James Boyce
Trustin Boyd     
Barry Burgoyne
Anthony Butka
Ned Buxton    
David Campbell
Richard Cohen
Richard Crockett
William Cumings   
Russell Cumming
Skip Demerski    
Clay Dennis   
Geoffrey Douglas   
John Dunlop
Ronald Fletcher   
Peter Gottsegen   
Albert Griffin
Theodore Griggs     
George Hale
Douglas Hardy   
Edward Hilding
George Hill
William Hoffman
Robert Jack
William Kenah
William Kline
Gerald Korkin    
Matthew Lawton
George Lockwood
Peter Mc Cabe   
Chadburn McDonald   
Clifford Mignery
Thomas Minifie
Robert Mitnik    
J. Scott Murray    
Robert Nitabach
John Parker
Gene Peterson
Douglas Plunkett
Theodore Plunkett
G. Porter
Philip Potter
Eric Purdon
? Putnam
R. Robertson
Brian Rohde
Robert Rush   
David Shelsy
Michael Shelsy
John Stevens   
Richard Stevens  
Robert Stuhlman
Stephen Thayer
Courtney Turner
Edward Van Winkle
D. Webster
William Whitney
? Wisner
J. Woodson
Peter Yaple
Henry Young

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