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•   Kathi Dix (McCoy) (1984)  4/12
•   Melissa Ayers (Collins) (1984)  1/29
•   Deneen Foltz (Fluharty) (1984)  10/14
•   Tommaine (Tc) Palmer (1985)  1/23
•   Cheryl Price (Nelson) (1984)  1/21
•   Margie Cary (Cyrus) (1985)  1/21
•   Tracy Katz (Evans) (1985)  1/20
•   Robin Vander Plasse (Martin) (1986)  1/4
•   Kathryn Pritchett (1984)  1/1
•   Jeff Mitchell (1982)  12/28
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3 live in California
71 live in Delaware
2 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
13 live in Maryland
3 live in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
4 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
2 live in Pennsylvania
10 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Australia
153 location unknown


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Welcome to the Cape Henlopen High Class Of 1984 web site.  Please click on the FOCHC84 Reunion button to see updated info on our reunion plans. 

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CHEF Wants to “Find Cape Grads”
If you are a Cape Henlopen High School graduate with an interest in the Cape Schools, Cape Henlopen Educational Foundation or CHEF is looking for you. Last year CHEF, along with the Cape Henlopen School District, gathered names during school events in an effort to begin a database of former Cape students to eventually form an alumni association. CHEF is asking for volunteers to serve on a committee to “Find Cape Grads.”
The volunteer committee for “Find Cape Grads” will use various means of gathering info including technology, libraries, yearbooks, and referrals to find as many Cape grads as possible in order to expand the existing list of names. The committee will begin with those who graduated from 1970 to the present, but eventually CHEF would like to include graduates from Rehoboth, Lewes, and Milton High Schools.
“It’s a very important task ,” says CHEF president Rick Grier-Reynolds. “If a few people representing each decade will volunteer to help with this project, they hopefully will experience much gratification working at the grass roots level of what will become the Cape Henlopen Alumni Association.” 
CHEF believes forming an alumni association is important to the future of the Cape Henlopen Schools. It will allow for better communication between Cape graduates, CHEF, and the school administration. It will give graduates a continued sense of community and belonging to the Cape District family as some stay in the area and others move away. It will allow former students to stay in contact with each other through a website. It will keep graduates informed of Cape District news, education programs, extracurricular activities, fundraisers, need for volunteers, and social activities initiated by the alumni association. The benefits of finding Cape alumni and organizing an alumni association are numerous.
An appeal goes out to all Cape Henlopen High School grads who would like to give back to their school and community. If you are interested in the “Find Cape Grads” project and the eventual development of the Cape Henlopen Alumni Association, email CHEF board member Chris king, or contact the Cape District Office at 645-6686 with your contact information.