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•   Carl Tepper (Tepper)  5/28
•   Robert Kruemmel  8/9
•   Randall Smith  11/3
•   Diana Strumsky (Taylor)  6/3
•   Kimberly Temple (Temple)  9/14
•   Frederick Graefe  11/2
•   Mark Schisler  4/4
•   Sandra Hannon (German)  2/23
•   Mary Stein (Makepeace)  8/6
•   Stephen McIninch  5/4
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1 lives in Connecticut
2 live in Florida
14 live in Maryland
1 lives in North Carolina
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2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in British Columbia
426 location unknown


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Andover High School
Class Of 1979

                        <div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto; width:350px;"> <object width="350" height="270"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <param name="flashvars" value=";mywidth=435&amp;myheight=270&amp;;wid=os"></param> <embed style="width:350px; visibility:visible; height:270px;" allowScriptAccess="never" src="" flashvars=";mywidth=435&amp;myheight=270&amp;playlist_url=;wid=os" width="350" height="270" name="mp3player" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" border="0"/> </object> <br/> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Get a playlist!"/></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Standalone player"/></a> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Get Ringtones"/></a> </div>


It has been 30 years now, I lost touch with many of you and over the years I have missed you all. I'm sorry I missed the class reunions. Take some time to listen to this song and look up some old friends. I know many of you remember this song. As it was still a top hit and playing on 98 Rock in late 78, when we started our graduation year. I can remeber several of us singing it together at the Breezeway and in the auditorium. On the way home from graduation some of us even blasted it on our car stereos. We were ready to chart our new destiny and start on our adventure. Many of us felt it was our class theme song that year. I thought this song would be appropriate as it has been 30 years since we started that journey. Some of us made it to our destination some of us haven't and some of us are still underway to it. Come on in no matter where are in that journey that we plotted in Andover. Your always welcome here. We are all still friends and classmates of the Andover graduation year of 1979. We created some of our most memorable moments in time together.

I had gone to several reunion type websites trying to touch base with everyone and stay in touch but found them to be lacking a few things, harassed by pop ups and wanting to charge for membership fees for nothing more than email and a place to post pics.....rediculous.

I went into the Army in 83. After I got out, I traveled the world exstensively as an engineer of industrial machinery. In 2006 due to health reasons I had to stop playing with industrial machines and traveling. So I have settled down and stopped wandering the globe. So this site was setup in dedication to the graduation class of Andover 1979. That's write the people that we grew up with. The ones we teased and tormented or got teased and tormented by. It is in the early growing phases and is temporarily being hosted here and as long as I have any say so, free. In a few months I will be moving it to a server that I own. I think you will like some of the features it has at this time. As time goes on there will be more added to it and new features as well. Yes, even voice over internet for those of us that type to slow or

I welcome any advice or suggestions you have as I feel this site is for all of us. If you know of any of our class members or friends from other graduation years that want to be added let me know. Also if you would like to help with administration of this site let me know that as well. 

Once again, welcome class of 79 and guests

Mark Darling


