Getting connected...

R U connected?  If your anything like me, your absolutely terrible at staying in touch with your extended friends and family.  Let's face it, we live in a face paced world today.  For the most part it seems like we're just keeping our heads above water.  That is why I'm a big fan of the ever emerging communication technology we have today.  Yes, although it's a wonderful thing, it can also be our worst enemy at times.  It has addictive aspects no doubt, but with a little balance you can really find a way to stay physically and emotionally present, while using today's technology to your advantage! 

Here are just a few of the available sites, services, devices, technologies that are out there today....  

How do YOU connect? 

Feel free to share your experiences and your thoughts on them!

IM'ing,   Texting, webconferencing, audioconferencing

iphone blackberry pda's

email...,, google oh my

Audioconferencing/ webconferencing/posdcast
