Terrie Puckett

Profile Updated: September 5, 2008
Residing In Loveland, OH
Yes! Attending Reunion

Soooo…20 years in 250 words or less?

Did a year at OSU and learned quite a bit, unfortunately none of it inside the classroom. Went back to school and after several long and crazy years FINALLY graduated with my B.A. in History (history of war with a focus on non-conventional troops) and a Political Science concentration (US/Russia Relations—who knew that this would take front stage again?!?). Moved to WDC, lived on Capitol Hill for 6 years (I REALLLLLY miss the Metro) and worked for Georgetown University Law Center (international programs—and no, Rob and Sabin, I did not have Hoya basketball season tickets!). Finally, moved back to Loveland to buy my childhood home and to work with the Freedom Center (curator of exhibitions and developing the Contemporary Slavery Institute).

Finished my 4-year stint trying to save the world in March. Now I am keeping out of trouble by spending a great deal of time volunteering for the Greater Loveland Historical Society Museum—have you visited lately??? —while trying to decide what I want to be (next) when I grow up. Not married and no kids (of my own, but apparently I am a very cool aunt) which means I have total control of the remote, don’t drive a mini-van, lavish insane amounts of attention on my dog, brave international travel…and sleep in on Saturdays.

Whewwww…218! 32 words to spare…
