Scott Crane

Profile Updated: February 24, 2009
Residing In: Lubbock, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Julie Crane
Occupation: Organizational Training and Development
Children: Emily Robin Crane was born on May 25th, 2008 and her middle name is named in honor of my mother who More…passed away with cancer in April of 1994.

Went to college, got a job, adopted a stray dog, got married, inherited a cat, and had a child.

I've truly been blessed.

The rest is yet to be determined.

School Story:

I remember my sophomore year sitting on the bench in basketball and drinking much of the water while all the good players were playing.

They probably were wondering why there wasn't much water during the timeouts.

I never said a word.

What did you want to do or think you were going to do when you finished high school?

I didn't have a clue. I still to this day wonder what I'm going to do when I grow up.

High points of your life since high school?

I married my lovely wife Julie (Wrote a song and got to play it for her at our wedding that she heard for the first time). Recently had a beautiful baby girl.

I got to travel in Europe shortly after High School.

I recorded a CD of my original compositions in college.

Got to open up for Arturo Sandoval in front of 3000+ in Northern Colorado playing piano in the Texas Tech Jazz Band.

I've performed in Nashville Tennesee (At a local coffee shop), not a great feat, but I like saying I got to play a gig in Nashville.

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I don't know that there's anything surprising except that I've added a few pounds. My metabolism is not what it used to be.

What’s your favorite memory of LHS?

There are a lot of good memories. One in particular would have to be when the choir got to go to San Antonio and we went to Sea World.

Least favorite memory?

English class my Junior year. Summer school bites!

Biggest thing you would do differently if you went back to your time at LHS?

I should have taken my studies more seriously (I got a little side tracked studying the girls instead). I should have tried learning to play jazz piano in the jazz band (But didn't even know what jazz was...there was other music besides 80's tunes?).

I should of tried out for the golf team (Track?, Hurdles?, what was I thinking?).

What was your favorite song of the 80's?

That's tough because I like a lot of them. If I had to choose, it would have to be "Faithfully" by Journey or "Misled" by Kool and the Gang.

What was your favorite music video of the 80's?

"Money for Nothing" by Dire Straights

What was your favorite movie of the 80's

Top Gun, Back to the Future, Raiders of the lost Ark, Fletch, Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's day off, Young Guns, When Harry met Sally, etc.

I have trouble picking just one.

What is the coolest thing you have done since graduation?

I got to go parasailing in the Bahamas.

I got to stand on the top of the main pyramid at the Mayan ruins in Chichen-Itza Mexico.

I got to intertube down a river in the middle of the rain forest in the country of Belize.

I got to go to the top of the Eifel Tower in France.

I was in Lucern, Switzerland when the streets were filled with crazy people cheering that their soccer (excuse me.."Futbol") team had won some big championship.

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment since graduation?

I finally got HDTV!

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:10 AM
Little Emily
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:10 AM
My wife Julie and little Emily
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:10 AM
Hello! From the Crane family