Reunion Photos

Click a box (with the paper-clip icon) below to enter a gallery.

To add photos, click the the "45yr Reunion Photos" gallery to open it, then click the Create Your Own Photo Gallery Here button at the bottom of the gallery window. Follow the directions to create your gallery. Be sure to look for the Save button (at the bottom of your gallery) and "save early, save often." Only you can add photos to galleries you have created, and all photos you add will be credited to you inside your gallery!

If you want to post your photos in your own online gallery (e.g. Smugmug Flickr Snapfish Google, etc.) please send us a link to your photos (use Contact Us), and we'll share it here as well.

45yr Reunion Photos
3 Galleries  10/30/15
Holidays 2013 Gettogether
7 Photos  1/13/14
August 2011 Gettogether
1 Gallery  7/31/10
Pre-40yr reunion party
51 Photos  12/30/10
40yr Reunion St Noels
456 Photos  9/20/15
Post-40yr reunion picnic
73 Photos  8/13/10
40yr reunion school tour
178 Photos  8/12/10
40yr Reunion Golf
3 Galleries  8/10/10
40yr Reunion Misc
6 Galleries  8/13/10