In Memory

Darlene Powell (Sargent)

Shirley Pitrone Smayda wrote to let us know that Darlene Powell Sargent passed away on December 21, 2021. Obituary can be found here

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02/28/22 04:17 PM #1    

Anthony DeIuliis

I was so very sorry to hear of Darlene's passing. She was very fun-loving and very kind to everyone that I saw. My deepest condolences to Pete and all the family. (Tony DeIuliis)

03/01/22 09:48 AM #2    

Claudia Schuck (Berarducci)

I was saddened by the news of Darlene's passing.My sincere condolences to Pete and their family. 



03/01/22 10:55 AM #3    

Carter Ham

What sad news to learn of Darlene's passing. Pete -- I am so very sorry and I'm chagrined that I was unaware until now. I can remember how happy you were when the two of yu first sarted dating! What a wonderful and long-lasting love story.


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