In Memory

Michael Zaremsky

Jack Wohl wrote to inform us of Michael's passing on 6-15-2010

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06/20/10 04:24 PM #1    

Paula Schindler (Cala)

Rest in Peace, old friend...P 

06/28/10 07:07 PM #2    

Beverly Nelson (Comer)

I have strong memories of him in fifth grade...and what a very talented artist he was at that time. Mrs. Allison always had Michael doing extra art projects around the room.

08/04/10 06:12 PM #3    

Andrew Cari

I remember Michael and I taking two busses to the Cedar Lee Theater to see Planet of the Apes, cutting lawns together, playing cards and smoking cigars one New Year's Eve (we thought we were living). I remember the two of us looking through an issue of Playboy together on the school buss.  And, I remember how proudly he showed off his wife when we met at an earlier class reunion. I am stunned and saddened at his passing.

Andy Cari

09/06/10 10:17 PM #4    

Susan Vincent (Friedman)

I was so saddened and surprised at Michael's passing. Michael and his two brothers, grew up on my street in So. Euclid (Beaconwood).  How terrible for his family, as his brother Larry had passed away some years earlier.

Susan Vincent-Friedman

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