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11/04/21 04:44 PM #218    

James Tanner

Yipper, Buddy!!!

11/05/21 07:12 AM #219    

Janet Schimke (Peasant)

Gary, That is a wonderful idea. I would be happy to participate. As you discuss this with the Principal, please consider and discuss, if appropriate, how we might be able to include remote discussions with classmates who can contribute but not travel to the event. Thanks for your continued support of our school! Janet Schimke Peasant



11/05/21 12:19 PM #220    

Thomas Crahen

Gary- for the last 6 years I have been organizing career exploration visits for local high schools, and last year was asked to begin to do for an 18 college consortium ( - they have ongoing tech talks- see upcoming talks here and past recordings here Brush students are welcome to listen in on these sessions which are M and Tues eve at 9 pm EST

I have a background as a high tech recruiter- and tapped my client and candidate data base to start this effort. We have also initiated a parallel effort thru my Rotary club

In my opinions talks should be prioritized  by student interest- hereafter is a survey I've used to assess which talks to do first- we focus on top 6 or so

I've organized and in some cases (zoom sessions) recorded sessions on mechanical civil electrical and battery engineering, tech sales, computer science careers, cyber security, various business careers, careers within the iintel community climate change, marine biology, and medical; services careers. In  addition, I've had folks speak on college counseling and financing and financial literacy (lacking in our schools)

We did this thru the PTA. I believe school parent and student involvement is critical to pulling this off.

If you want to discuss further I am happy to talk- this year we are doing largely onsite sessions - except for bayict- all virtual

I can be reached at 831-325-3529 to discuss or

Tom Crahen



Tom Crahen

11/06/21 08:18 PM #221    


Annette Jones (McDonald)

Wow! I think a meet-and-greet between students and alumni that involved career exploration would be great! I would be interested in participating but clearly would have to do so remotely from Alaska. (I cannot afford another trip.)

As someone who is self-employed, I think that I could contribute some information on what is involved in starting a business. My husband and I are in the automotive towing business. I often read posts on Facebook about young people who want to buy a tow truck and start their own business. There is so much involved in operating a small business beyond, in the case of towing, owning a truck, that many people end up failing within the first couple of years. Many of the steps involved in operating a small business are the same across many fields.

Even if young people are aware that they cannot start their own business straight out of high school, they may have that goal for some time in the future and should be aware of how they can best prepare themselves. 

My two children and well as my daughter-in-law and son-in-law have taken some steps themselves that have resulted in good career situations. College is right for some. Tech schools are right for others. There are apprenticeships and internships that can help a great deal. Careful exploration of options and planning are necessary to help make the right decisions for oneself.

11/06/21 08:54 PM #222    

Gail Grafchik (Fonda)

I have seen Mr. Sobel all over the place for years. Great guy! I do not remember the typing teacher. I was great at typing. Difficult issues with strict Mr. Hill, advanced placement English. Some college teachers were worse.

11/06/21 11:16 PM #223    


Steven Brofman

Gail, if you're thinking of the typing teachers at Greenview they

were Mr. Gonz and Mrs. Frey

11/07/21 03:25 PM #224    


Annette Jones (McDonald)

Gail, I agree about Mr. Hill.

I have always struggled with my writing. Mr. Hill explained the form of a good essay, but I couldn't figure out how to get there. He would give me a poor grade and write, "Poorly Written," on my papers. I KNEW that they were poorly written. I didn't need him to tell me that. I needed help. Luckily, I had an English teacher in college who had our papers read by 2-3 classmates who commented on them. Then he read them and provided extensive comments. I finally understood how to improve my writing.

I also felt that Mr. Hill had his own interpretation of literature and was incapable of accepting that there could be other interpretations, especially not by lowly high school students.

I do feel that there were some good teachers at Brush. I just do not personally feel that Mr. Hill was one of them, despite his reputation.

11/08/21 02:52 PM #225    

Linda Chaitoff (Weiner)

I remember Mr. Hill teaching "The Ode to a Grecian Urn".  As we read the poem aloud, he drew the pictures being described on a waste paper basket wrapped in blank white paper.  He was doing this while standing on his desk so we could all literally visualize the beauty of Keats poem.  A bit dramatic but it certainly made an impression.  He loved literature but was a really lousy artist!

11/09/21 09:50 AM #226    

Gail Grafchik (Fonda)

Teachers put their own personalities and view into their teaching. I guess they cannot help it. I was a journalism major. One teacher took my paper and tore it up in front of the class. I filed a complaint and had him fired one year later. He was furious at all the front page articles I had on the student newspaper. He could not control his emotions. 

12/02/21 12:52 PM #227    

Gerald McGill Jr

Gail,Sorry but I don't remember You and most certainly likewise.That said I agree with You 100%.Any chance Mrs.Greggut(?) brings back any memories?She was a English teacher with a significant interest in Creative Writing...

12/03/21 01:58 PM #228    


Steven Brofman


Yep.  Mrs. Gregutt was my senior

English teacher

01/01/22 09:21 PM #229    


Brian Peiper

Wishing all my fellow classmates out there an all inclusive happy, healthy, loving and love filled, personally fulfilling, and COVID sickness free 2022.  Keep up the good work everyone and let's all do our best to see 2023.  

01/02/22 11:20 AM #230    


Steven Brofman

Happy New Year Brian

01/11/22 01:01 AM #231    


Julie Smith (Barelka)

Here's a tip for those who hate to re-enter information to get into this website. If you log on a lot, say, every other day or so, for awhile you only need to select the drop-downs and not type anything. Try it!

01/11/22 02:44 PM #232    


Lynne Garvey (Hodge)

Thank you, Julie!
How to to attach a pic here?
Lynne Garvey-Hodge


01/16/22 07:59 PM #233    


Julie Smith (Barelka)

Lynne, To get to this page, you'll go to Message Forum, Post Message, then click Image. At the top, "Choose a File", "Upload," then select your photo. It will drop into the message box, and you can add a note as I'm doing with this one. Hope this helps!  Julie

01/17/22 09:44 PM #234    


Lynne Garvey (Hodge)

David (Shankland) & Lynne (Garvey-Hodge) celebrated Christmas at the Gazebo in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. (where they first met about a week before the Reunion, after a 5 month email/Zoom courtship). 
Happy New Year!!

[I have no idea how to right size/make vertical this post! :-) If you know how,pls. help! :-)  ]  Lynne - I don't see any option on the set-up page to turn it. Strange! Cute pic, tho, anyway you look at it :)! Julie

01/26/22 09:56 PM #235    


Brian Peiper

Just heard Rachel Maddow use the word "varsity" on her show which suddenly compelled me to start singing Brush High School's official song.  So now, just curious, how many of you out there can recite/sing our song without looking it up in your yearbooks?

04/14/22 01:05 AM #236    


Julie Smith (Barelka)

Another classmate has left this Earth:  Wendy King Novak. It's so sad to lose someone so sweet. Please let us know if you know of other classmates who have passed away, and we will add them to the "In Memory" page.

04/14/22 11:14 AM #237    


Lynne Garvey (Hodge)

Sweet is the perfect adjective for how I remember Wendy King....may she know she is remembered fondly by her BHS peers & that in the end indeed made the world a better place....
Peace & Shalom to her & her family....






04/01/24 03:45 PM #238    

Kenneth Karr

Does anybody know if Mr Petrie is still around

He was my DE  (Distrubitive Educations) teacher

Ken Karr

06/02/24 10:58 PM #239    


Annette Jones (McDonald)

Well, the postcard says it all. My husband, A.P., and I are moving to Phoenix on July 22nd. This is after over 48 years in Interior Alaska. We are moving to be close to our son, Gareth, his wife, Amanda, and their three sons. Gareth and Amanda need help with before-school and after-school care, so we will be taking the boys to school in the morning and picking them up in the afternoon.

It is going to be a huge culture shock, moving from The Unorganized Borough of Alaska with no gevernment below the state level to an urban area with an HOA, so no rules to an abundance of rules.

We will not be able to come to the reunion since we will still be settling into our new home.


08/29/24 11:42 PM #240    


Mary Studniarz (Federico)

Congratulations! What a huge move! By the time you read this you will be stateside contiguous!


Be well! 
Mary Studniarz Federico

Victory Park

08/30/24 12:33 PM #241    


Annette Jones (McDonald)

Thanks, Mary!

We are slowly settling in: unpacking boxes, hanging pictures, building bookcases, etc. In the morning, we go to our son's house at 7:00 and take the boys to school at 7:45 for the older two and 8:30 for the pre-schooler who has to be signed in. In the afternoon, we pick up the boys from the after-school program between 4:00 and 4:30. The rest of the day is ours, but often filled with medical appointments.



09/07/24 12:42 PM #242    


Lynne Garvey (Hodge)

We will be sorry to miss you this coming weekend, but will be with you in spirit!
Here are recent pics of David Shankland & I at Chagrin Falls and Brandywine Falls! :-) (August, 2024)

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